CDX replacement speculation

Posted by: Engelbert on 07 June 2002

In occurs to me that in Naim's current product line-up, the CDX is the longest serving CD player. That is testimony to it..... but any clues as to when it will be replaced/upgraded in Naim's new style/logo?? A response from Salisbury would be welcome!
Cheers, ROB
Posted on: 07 June 2002 by redeye
Gidday Rob smile

Having just bought one myself I'm hoping they won't change it any time soon.
Spotted in your profile that you use Minstrels. Ditto. I assume the seperate spur is of Chris Murphy's design? Wondering how you feel about the improvements as I'm considering getting it done.

Posted on: 08 June 2002 by Naheed
A totally new 5 Series style line-up in September...

Start selling those green boxes >>>NOT.

Posted on: 08 June 2002 by Engelbert
Yes Mike - this was thoroughly worthwhile for the money spent. Go see Chris, as he can put you on to his electrician - who is a thoroughly good guy.
Go for it!
Posted on: 09 June 2002 by Mike Sae
A CDSII replacement will arrive before CDX, as Naim needs to complete the 552/500 set up.

The mid range cdx/102/180 setup we all know and love has plenty of life in it, still...
Posted on: 09 June 2002 by Rico
considering getting it done.

fundamentals should be adressed fundamentally. cool

Make it so!

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 09 June 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Rob Bowie:
In occurs to me that in Naim's current product line-up, the CDX is the longest serving CD player.


the CDSii is almost as old.

If you're going to start a rumour, do it properly!

cheers, Martin
Posted on: 10 June 2002 by Engelbert
Martin, You should note that the CDX was out a good while before CDS2 saw the light of day. I recall that for a significant time, CDX/XPS was NAIM's top CD player.
Also, I was not starting a rumour - but merely seeking intelligence on when the CDX might be replaced.
Posted on: 10 June 2002 by Engelbert
Mike, I'm not sure your "pure speculation" has a logical basis. Remember, a CDS2 requires the same PSU as is optional with the CDX (ie the XPS). Therefore, if an upgraded XPS is released with a new CDS2, then that would suggest the CDX would need to be upgraded (near) simultaneously?? This all assumes NAIM will continue to have the same PSU for the replacements for these two models. If they don't, many customers will have their upgrade paths dislocated!
All just speculation!
Posted on: 10 June 2002 by Rico

what does your dealer say? smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 11 June 2002 by Engelbert
Hi Rico, My dealer has confirmed that he will be happy to sell me the replacement for the CDX, but does not have any information as to when this might be.
Since the lads at Salisbury have not responded to this posting, I'm beginning to think the replacement might be even closer than I've been thinking??!!
Just speculating, of course.