Is Govt. to Blame for Poor ***?

Posted by: Lomo on 25 May 2005

Just wondering as they are to blame for everything else why not hang this on them as well.
PS In Oz viagra is not on the subsidised list but I hear in the USA sex offenders are eligable.
Posted on: 08 June 2005 by Lomo
The answer to the great Orgasm debate is in the genes.[not jeans]
Apparantly a woman is programmed to have an orgasm because
"Only men who are most skilled in the art of sex, physically attractive, or psychologically compatible will be able to make them climax.
They are the men that they are most likely to stay with and are expected to make the best long- term partners.
Women who orgasm too easily are more likely to be satisfied with men of inferior quality"
This is still only a theory and researchers say " If we had the funding now , it might take us three years to find these genes"
We could then have designer drugs to help women climax during sex.
Findings were published 7th June in the Royal Society journey
" Biology Letters"