Finally compared Naim 82/highcap/250/cd5/Highcap with Spectral DMC 12/DMA100S/CD5/Highcap

Posted by: Jaybar on 09 June 2001

As many of you know, I have been flirting with the idea of moving away from my Spectral gear to a full Naim system with my Dynaudio 1.8's, as I was very impressed with my CD5/Highcap and headline. I finally had a chance to compare both Naim and Spectral today. Some of you have cautioned against making the switch, which is not without wisdom, based on today's demo.

I found the PRAT of the naim much more fun initially, but the PRAT and hard driving pace was overwhenming. I kept having to turn down the volume nad then the dynamics dissappeared. I did not find the different melody strands easy to figure out. Cost-wise the equipment was not too dissimilar here. Except for the lively rythmic and fun quality, I kept having to wonder what was going on. Equipment was far less neutral. Perhaps the 52 or the CDX instead of the CD5/highcap would have yielded different results and turned the corner.

When I substituted the Spectral DMC 30 preamp for the Spectral DMC 12 pre-amp ($3000 more), the PRAT of the Spectral system increased markedly without going over the top as I found the Naim to be.

Perhaps stands have something to do with it as the Spectral gear was on the recommended Zoethecus stands while the Naim gear was on target stands. I have no idea about warm-up time.

I am quite taken, however with Naim CD Players. Better at all levels, except for the Linn CD12. The only other pssoble exception is the Spectral transport/DAC, but that is $18K!!!!! and above my means.

Based on what I heard so far, I would be reluctant to switch.

Posted on: 09 June 2001 by Ron The Mon
Ron The Mon
Posted on: 09 June 2001 by Jaybar
For being sooooo constructive......

I appreciate that you were able to offer such insightful thought on the differences between Naim and Spectral.

Its so liberating when we have nothing constructive to say, but set standards for others.


Posted on: 10 June 2001 by Ron The Mon
i meant no offense. i find certain styles of
writing by members of this forum entertaining.
smile even though they sometimes lack substance.

there is a big difference between style and
substance and you, my man, have both. cool

btw, what are you doing up so late?

ron the mon