Onix question

Posted by: Bob Edwards on 15 July 2001

Hi all--

Question for anyone who remembers Onix Audio. I bought a Onix OA21 and SOAP for my son. Question is whether or not the OA21 needs to be plugged into AC if the SOAP is used. Does anyone know ? I am working on the assumption that it is similar to the CDX with XPS--when using the XPS the CDX is not connected to AC.

If anyone knows please let me know.

Thanks in advance !


Ride the Light !

Posted on: 15 July 2001 by Bob Edwards

Thanks ! It now works ! I was a little nervous about connecting both units to AC--didn't want to destroy anything.

So the SOAP powers the power amp while the internal OA21 supply runs the preamp ? You're right about the build quality--very solid, well laid out, and none of the capacitors are leaking visibly. So far I just have a Creek CD60 into the Onix running Kan 1s--sounds quite good and should get better as everything warms up.

Thanks again !



Ride the Light !€