CD3 remote

Posted by: James Long on 07 April 2001

Totay I purchased a second hand CD3 with which I am very pleased. However, the remote had been badly chewed by a dog, and consequently £30, the price of a replacemnt was knocked off. I was planning to get the same model as a replacement, but was wondering if the new 5 series remotes operate the older equipment in the same way.
Posted on: 07 April 2001 by Jay
I think that the 5 series remote will control a CD3.


Posted on: 08 April 2001 by Gromit
I went from a CD 3 to a CD5. The CD5 remote can control a CD3.
Posted on: 09 April 2001 by Andrew L. Weekes
The Naim CDP's use the standard Philips command set - most CDP remotes will work (my old marantz would operate the CD5).

You could buy a cheap replacememt, or an all-in-one type?


Andrew L. Weekes