Ere I got some cd player blues, mines not playing certain cds & skipping & jumping like an athelete
in training. Its a teac T1 transport about 8 years old, the problem with its patented VRDS system means I cannot use a regular cd lense cleaner. It may however be more serious than this, I had the whole head unit replaced just under its guarantee period about 7 years ago. It may be knacked again...who knows!
I am thinking about getting a cdx to go with the rest of my naim gear but I,ve just moved house & there are lots of improvements needed. Do I look for a second hand one & if so how much can i expect to pay? I know that a new one is approx £2200.
Any advise is appreciated!
Cheers for now mad mat
Posted on: 17 September 2001 by ebirah
I have a CDI and spoke to a few Naim dealers about upgrading it to a CDX - unaminously they said not to bother as, although the CDX is better, the difference is not as great as upgrades elsewhere. There are lots of s/h CDIs around for about half the price of a CDX (and no, I'm not trying to sell mine...just offering penny-pinching advice!). You might want to consider that route if funds are tight?
Posted on: 18 September 2001 by Matt worlock
Cheers Juan,
I hadn,t really thought about the five series before. Is it possible that it isn't compatable with the highcap & supercap therefore not as upgradable . For instance my nac 82 can be used with either one or two highcaps or a supercap. Am i right in saying that the CD5 power supply can only be upgraded with five series power supplys.
One other question could I power an older 3.5 cd with a high cap or possible two as in the 82's case???!!!
Posted on: 18 September 2001 by Matthew T
CDX is in my opinion better then the CD5/FC. I ended up with CDX, buying new, without thinking about it. A lot of things that the CD5 did wrong disappeared with the FC but switch for the CDX, it was a no brainer to my ears.
CDX second hand weigh in from £1400 but a year old will probably go for £1500-£1600. They are quite support dependant so you might need to make sure your stands are up to it. New they are £2400 (I think).
Try Loot
The CDX can be upgraded with XPS so if you are hoping to upgrade it is a good option, this is very worthwhile upgrade.
Posted on: 19 September 2001 by Phil Barry
Nice thing about Naim - the stuff lasts. Buying Naim cheap is not buying twice.
Of course, mechanical objects such as CD players and ARO may be riskier than, say, a 32.5, bu the stuff is pretty serviceable.