Teleatlas DX Sat Nav disc rip-off?

Posted by: blythe on 21 August 2010

Having had an old Merc C Class for 7 years, I thoght it would be worth up-dating the Sat Nav CD-Rom.
I vaguely remember, when the car was only a year or two old, thinking I might update the sat nav, but then was put off by the price.
I checked on-line today and was horrified to see that the latest disc costs £130.00
That's as much as a complete new TomTom!
Are they joking? At that price, I'll stick with the old 2002 disc that came with the car and look at a map on-line to check for new roads!

I really feel it's not worth spending that much on a 7 year old car's system - it might easily die in a few months anyway!
Teleatlas don't even appear to have an option to download the info and burn it to your own disc, which might be a little cheaper....

Maybe I'm mistaken but surely if the disc was only, say, £50.00, a lot more people would consider buying the updates.

A TomTom map update is a fraction of the £120 price and can be downloaded instantly.