Many thanks to Naim for good service.

Posted by: Steve Toy on 18 September 2002

I recently had a sagging-drawer problem with my CDX, and it was (not wrongly) suggested that it may have been caused by my slamming the drawer shut too hard, causing the drawer stop to crack inside the player. (Although I don't ever recall having slammed the drawer hard.)

Just in case, Naim gave my dealer a replacement drawer stop while he was at the recent Heathrow Show, FOC smile

As it turns out, the drawer stop was undamaged, but had moved slightly under the two screws that fix it in place, so the replacement is now residing in my dealer's parts bin, the existing stop has been adjusted, and the drawer is once more aligned to the front panel.

I know I'm pushing my luck a bit here, but I lost my transit lock back in March when I lent my entire system to a friend for the Christening in my absence of his first-born as a kind of penance, given that the date clashed with my visit to Peter Stockwell's place in Paris... frown

I have ordered a new transit lock, and I'm wondering if Naim will be so kind this time... red face

For the record in case I ever choose to sell the player in the event of an upgrade to say that lovely new CDS3, I have twice borrowed my dealer's lock for the purposes of transit, and the player has never been moved unlocked.



It's just a pleasure to hear music as it was intended to be heard.
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by MarkEJ
If the drawer on your CDX was sagging, presumably that means that when the drawer was closed, the "shut lines" surrounding it were unequal in width; it was misalligned in its front panel aperture, but still flush with it (when viewed from directly above, for example.

If the position of the drawer stop was the problem, how does this cause sagging? I would have thought that the symptoms would have included a door which ended up either too far into the main case when closed, or not in far enough.

I'm not being as picky as you'd think! The reason for my curiosity is that our CD5 exibits unequal "shut lines", although doesn't seem to affect performance in any way. I would have thought that this could only be caused by some element of the hinge mech. not being as vertical relative to the case as it should be, and this is hard to credit, since the hinge itself is quite a chunky item.

Any ideas, anyone?



(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by Steve Toy
If the position of the drawer stop was the problem, how does this cause sagging? I would have thought that the symptoms would have included a door which ended up either too far into the main case when closed, or not in far enough.

The door was too far into the main case when closed.



Although not affecting the musical performance, it was beginning to bug me to look at
Posted on: 19 September 2002 by MarkEJ
Steven, thanks for clarifying. I'm on a quest to get the absolute max out of our CD5 at the moment, and that means ensuring that disks are level while being played -- hence my jumping on your post!



(an imperfect
forum environment is
better than none)