A New Poll
Posted by: Greg Beatty on 12 March 2001
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;
I would argue that “like this one” includes the one presented (i.e. this poll). If your dealer points to his CDS2 and says “A CD player like this one will bring hours of enjoyment” the statement arguably constitutes that ALL CDS2s bring hours of enjoyment. Only because one item of a set is used to characterise the entire set does not really necessitate excluding the item from the set. Hence by voting “No” you are creating a paradox along the lines of the Cretan who says “All Cretans are liars”.
(Oh goodness, I feel a rift in the space-time continuum coming on …)
If your dealer points to his CDS2 and says "A CD player like this one will bring hours of enjoyment" the statement arguably constitutes that ALL CDS2s bring hours of enjoyment.
"A CD player like this one will bring hours of enjoyment," said the dealer.
"Woweeeeeee! That’s just what I’m looking for!" said Sproggle, spinning around on one heel. "May I listen to it, please?"
"Ahem…" said the dealer, shifting his weight uncomfortably from one leg to the other. "Well… When I said ‘A CD player like this one’ I meant ‘CDS2s in general’ I didn’t actually say that I meant THIS particular one. Unfortunately, this particular one isn’t working. Its previous owner lost the puck inside the casing, and tried to frighten it out with a heating element connected to the speaker terminals of a NAP 135. Sadly, the puck remained happily inside the case while all the electronics were permanently terrified out of their wits. This particular CDS2 will never again bring hours of enjoyment."
"But surely," began Sproggle, "by saying ‘A CD player like this one’ you were using this particular CDS2 to characterise the entire set of CDS2s. That doesn’t necessitate excluding this particular one from the set, hence you have created a paradox along the lines of…"
Sproggle never finished what he was saying because the dealer picked him up, and with the words "Who do you think you are, mate? Gottlob Frege?" flung him through a second floor window in an alarmingly upward direction.
Moral of the story: It’s a good thing Sproggles can fly. [Or not - depending on your point of view].
-- Jeremy