135s vs Supercap

Posted by: Steve Catterall on 09 May 2001

I've been running an active DBL system for about a year with 2 *135s on the treble and 250s doing the mid and bass ... with a Hi-Cap on the SNAXO. I was finally in a position to make an upgrade to the system, but didn't know whether to go for a Supercap for the SNAXO or replace the 250s with 135s - both in a similar price bracket if I were to go for 2nd hand 135s.

Luckily for me a guy I'd been corresponding with over over the last year or so, Rob, had just opened his own Hi-Fi shop, become the newest Naim dealer, and had 4 recent 135s to sell second hand. Trouble was his new shop (Adventures in Hi-Fi) was in Wigan and I'm based in Sussex ... but he was quite happy to trundle down with the 135s and a supercap to let me listen to the various options.

So he arrived on Sunday with his partner in Crime Steve, and after giving my system the once over and tweaking it to make sure it was performing at its best, we tried the Supercap first.

Quite a noticeable difference. There was a lot more detail evident, and the tendancy of the top end to sound a little harsh sometimes had gone. This was perhaps the thing I was most hoping to inprove, so we both thought that the supercap option was looking favourite.

Rob had also brought down a couple of modded quadraspire shelves (the rest of my system is on QS), which we then tried on the CDS2 and 52 (we'd also gone back to the Hi-Cap). Wow - again a very noticeable difference. A much more cohereant sound - the music seemed to flow much better - perhaps a more analog sound. Rob is a Mana user himself, and rates the stuff ... but thought that although it would add space round the instruments, it would probably also emphasise what I didn't like about the top end. The modded QS ceratinly seemed to help with that.

So he finally got round to replacing the 250s with 135s. From the first few seconds of Concrete Jungle from the special edition jamaican version of Catch A Fire (What a great CD that is !!!) it was obvious what I was going to go for. The music was transformed. Although they didn't calm the treble down much, it was suddenly not such a problem. There was a filling out of the Mid which seem to make the treble sound more natural. And the Bass - as soon as it came in I had a huge smile from ear to ear. It seemed to have added extra depth, extra groove and the amps were in total control. The 135s are ceratinly a completely different beast to the 250s.

I'm sure the Supercap would have made it even better still, but without the cash to go for both options I didn't dare to try it.

So I'm now happily re-exploring my CD collection - and turning the volume up even louder !!!

I must thank Rob and Steve, who were really helpful, patient, very thorough ... and just plain nice. They were only too happy to help out with anything I wanted to try out, and have been extremely helpful via e-mail. Its a pity they are so far away, although they have already suggested they come back in a few weeks to see how things are settling in. I would seriously recommend them to anyone ... and if you live anywhere near Wigan I'd suggest you drop by and say hello. Good dealers are hard to find.

Posted on: 09 May 2001 by hobiecat
when you speak about the improvements brought by the modded quadraspire, are you comparing them with the standard ones? How do you rank the modded qs respect to the standard? Thanks a lot.


Posted on: 09 May 2001 by Steve Catterall
The comparison we did was against non modded shelves. Just took out the 2 unmodded shelves and replaced them with modded ones. The difference was quite marked - a much more natual presentation.

As far as i can see the mod seems to just involve drilling out the holes a bit more and inserting a non-ferrous ring, so that the shelf is further decoupled from the uprights

Posted on: 09 May 2001 by hobiecat
thanks for your reply. I'm very interested in the QS modded racks but no dealer in my country has them for demonstration. I know well the standard QS tables and like them - though I find them a bit lacking in control and neutrality.
Could you describe please a bit more extensively the sonic differences you found between the two verions of the stand? Thanks again.

All the best,

Posted on: 09 May 2001 by Richard P
I am about to take delivery of a CDX and 82, with a QS stand. In what way were those shelves modded, and how can they be obtained?
Posted on: 10 May 2001 by Steve Catterall
Paolo - I'm afraid I'm not very good at describing how things sound. As I said above ... the mod just makes things sound more natural. The QS sound ... only more so. Naim systems are quite live sounding, but do have a tendency to get jagged at the edges sometimes. The modded QS seems much better at taming this. If you like what QS does to your system, the modded version does it better.

Richard - You can get the modded shelves from QS, they cost an extra £20 (and take extra weeks to arrive). Also Audio Counsel (who orginated the mod) will mod existing shelves for £40. Your QS dealer should be able to fill you in on the details.

Posted on: 11 May 2001 by hobiecat
thanks for reporting your findings!

All the best