Length of Naim interconnect

Posted by: Alco on 02 July 2001

Hi, folks

As you already might 've read,I'm thinking of buying me a TT again.
I'd like to use to the bottom shelf of my Sound factory-Tripod rack to store LP's.
(see picture)
The second shelf to place my Nait-2 and the new
TT goes on top. (on a dedicated TT-platform)

Now,...that leaves me no space for my CD-3.5
I could place the CD-3.5 in a wooden cabinet (on CD-isolation platform) that stands about 1,5 meter next to the Naim-system.

But,...would a 3 meter Naim-cable make much difference over my standard 1 mtr interconnect ?

the standard (grey) naim-cable is thin,flexible and easy to hide.
Normally I would say,the shorter,the better, but
I'm not sure with Naim cable.


Posted on: 02 July 2001 by Steve Toy
It almost harks back to the days when the equipment support was just a piece of furniture to house your hi-fi and record collection in one nice, neat package. i have no idea if it is going to be detrimental to the sound to house your records on the shelf beneath the equipment itself. It may actually help, in that the records themselves may absorb some of the vibrations due to their sheer mass, and they may or may not contribute their own vibrations to the proceedings. I suppose it may help if you cut a corner off each record sleeve, or each alternating record sleeve wink A simple A/B test may be all it needs to find the answer. As for length of the interconnect, 3m probably won't make much difference, but I would want to put my turntable on a separate shelf to the other electronics to rduce the feedback loop between the turntable and the power supplies in the other electronics. With the amp on top, you would only need one metre of interconnect.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink