The CDX - Pure Brilliance

Posted by: Andrew Randle on 14 July 2001

Last Wednesday I took delivery of the CDX, and it has turned out to be THE necessary source-boost my Kans were craving for. The change is as follows:

Mimik II/NAC 72/Hi-CAP/NAP 110/Kan II
CDX/NAC 72/Hi-CAP/NAP 110/Kan II

For the money, the Mimik II was a fabulous source that had its music priorities right. But, the CDX is in a totally different league. Once warmed up (at least 24 hours), the player reminds me of the Valhalla-ed LP12/Ittok/K18 combo that Chris Morton used to own. At last I'm managing to feed my Kans properly!

There is one teensie problem. Out of the box, the player didn't sound that much better than the Mimik II, and I nearly told the dealer to send it back (!!).

Bruce Woodhouse described it perfectly in an earlier post: "The tension mounts, the box is opened and the first disc plays-horror it sounds rather nasty!"

Be patient, the player needs about 2 hours before it sounds like anything worth the £2400 asking price. After a further day or two, the player sprung to life by another equally large margin.

This is so good.

One question. The player is brand-new from Naim, but the interconnect seems to be the Grey SNAIC (well it's grey in colour). Is this a Black SNAIC in disguise, or am I looking at a further £50 upgrade?

The next question is, given I'm using Kans, "to XPS or to 250"? With the heap of positive XPS posts recently it seems that my question may already be answered, but is the 110 enough for the Kans?


Andrew Randle
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Posted on: 14 July 2001 by calum scott
Hi Andrew,

glad you like your new CDX.

I have Kans and had a 110 which I had serviced at Naim about 18 months ago at which time I had the option of getting it upgraded to a 140. I did this and it was a great and fairly inexpensive upgrade for me.

I do recall that years ago the "wisdom" was that Kans only really sang with a 250. I'm sure the Kan fanclub will have something to say on that.



Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Andy Kirby
Hi Andrew

Congratulations on the CDX, I love mine but with all of the negativity that is associated with this player on the forum it's great to hear from someone who likes the CDX 'out of the box'.

With an XPS it is indeed an awesome player. Enjoy it bare for a while and then try a demo you will not be disappointed.

I went 82/Supercap/CDX instead of XPS but that is only because I use an LP12 and was using an old old SNAPs to power my 42.5.

I can't get away from thoughts of what the XPS and Supercap together would do.

Fortunately Grahams would not demo. the two together, but then maybe that was their plan all along, I have thought of little else since.

Have fun.



PS how did you 'mount' the CDX? ('titter ye not')

Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Andrew Randle

I'm mounting the CDX on a Sound Organisation 2-tier fully-welded rack. At the moment it is sharing the rack with the amps, however next week I will receive another brand-new welded rack from the Sound Organisation.

To me, the Sound Org racks are fantastic (better than Audiotech) and inexpensive (£78 for the 2-tier) while presenting a blend of properties - kind of a half-way house between Mana and Hutter.

On Monday I will be resize some pictures taken from a digital camera. These will show the whole setup.

Andrew (who realises he could have just fallen into the rack-debate trap wink )

Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Steve Toy
That there grey wire you have is not a SNAIC, it is an INTERCONNECT, presumably five-pin DIN. It carries the signal to the preamp. THis is Naim's standard issue to be used from the CD5, through the CDX up to the CDS2.
A SNAIC carries juice to and from the power amp back to the preamp, as well as the signal - this is a four-pin SNAIC. In addition you can have a five-pin SNAIC to use with a Flatcap, Flatcap2 or Hi-cap, or both if you connect a 'cap to the preamp. If you look at the back of your CDX, you'll see a grey plug about 3cm long. That is where the XPS would be connected, using another really dumpy lead whose Naim I cannot remember. You cannot use a Flatcap or Hi-cap with the CDX, you have to use the XPS, so all SNAICs are not applicable for use with the CDX.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on SUNDAY 15 July 2001 at 04:37.]

Posted on: 14 July 2001 by Jay

The grey interconnect is what you need, no upgrade necessary.

When I replaced CD3.5 for CDX, the CDX came with a slightly thicker and darker grey interconnect than the one with the CD3.5. Your CDX would probably have the upspec'd version like mine.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

Oops...just about forgot, have fun!


Posted on: 15 July 2001 by John Channing
I think you will find that the CDX will continue to improve over a period of a few weeks, so you have a lot to look forward to. Also make sure that you have the grey/mauve interconnect cable connected up the right way round - the little plastic ring arond the cable should be at the CDX end. Then start saving for the XPS, the improvement over the bare CDX is massive!
Posted on: 15 July 2001 by Andrew Randle
Thanks Steven, John and Jay for the clarification on the cables. John, don't worry the cables are correctly directioned and the system is providing me with plenty of magic (as Mike Hanson calls it!).

I'm aiming for December for the XPS, although right now I don't mind the wait (if you see what I mean).

Peter, there are no problems with the 72. The only real weakness appears to be the NAP 110 drving the Kans. When a bad recording reaches a loud climax, the treble can saturate - on a good recording the problem doesn't exist. For reference, I generally have the volume control set to the 9:15 - 10 position.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 15 July 2001 by Andrew Randle
That "old chestnut" again Stephen? wink

My David versus your Goliath, eh? wink

Although I'm sure I'll take you up on your Supercap advice... eventually.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 15 July 2001 by Andrew Randle
For all those with swing-out drawers and haven't noticed; take a look at the underside of the drawer... nice touch.


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
4 ^ = ?;

Posted on: 15 July 2001 by Steve Toy
i briefly just stopped listening to Westlife - well, it is Sunday wink - to have a look. Naim don't miss a trick!

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

Posted on: 15 July 2001 by Chris Dolan
Hi Andrew

Congratulations on the cdx. I have no doubt that you will continue to be very happy with it.

I have used a cdx for nearly three years, and I think mine is superb. It was the first cd player that I had listened to that really involved me in the music. That includes the cds, cdi and cd2 – which incidentally is my order of preference of those players.

Although my turntable was still “better” it didn’t worry me, when I want to listen to records I can, but most new music was bought on cd and perhaps significantly I stopped searching out vinyl.

When I first got my cdx I ran it with 42.5/Hicap/250/sbls. I was conscious that my pre-amp needed improving. My pre-amp started life as an 1982-ish 42 that was modified when the .5 allowed it to be used with a Hicap. I had listened to a 72 before I bought my Hicap (well actually before I bought a new LP12/Lingo – but that is a side issue) and much preferred the benefit that the Hicap gave.

Before I bought my cdx I listened to the 102, but when it came to spending money it had to be an 82. It was a significant improvement for both cd and lp. The 42.5 was then able to rejoin its spiritual partner my 110, although until very recently they both resided in a cupboard!!

I’d used the 110 into Kan1s for more than 10 years before I bought my 250/sbls. I’ve used my 250 with the Kans, and I’ve used the 110 with the sbls.

I bought an xps three weeks ago. I very nearly went for a supercap due to the improvement to gave to both sources. On balance the xps was the logical choice, but it was close run.

Although I loved my cdx from the start, the xps is stunning. Cold out of the box it is better than the naked cdx in a hi-fi way - the first thing you notice is the extra detail and the tighter deeper bass - but as it warms up and settles down it is sooooo much more musical.

Inevitably you get used to the quality. I have bought loads of new cds in the last three weeks, and I’m tempted to find out how they sound on the bare cdx but I’ve not yet succumbed.

I’m still inclined to make the supercap my next purchase, but part of me is saying cdsII if I sell the cdx – although the cdx would work wonders with my system in my study.

I would advocate the xps as your next purchase – unless of course you plan to upgrade your tt and buy lots of vinyl.

Chris smile

Posted on: 16 July 2001 by Alex S.
You cannot use a Flatcap or Hi-cap with the CDX, you have to use the XPS

or a 2nd hand CDPS with modified Burndy lead - I did this for £600 and was/am very pleased with the result. This move freed funds for a Supercap - a real plus which improved both sources.

Posted on: 16 July 2001 by Tony L
I do recall that years ago the "wisdom" was that Kans only really sang with a 250. I'm sure the Kan fanclub will have something to say on that.

Personally I don't agree with this, though it is as you say a widely held belief. Kans are incredibly revealing of front end quality, though don't seem that hard to drive, my "spare" Nait 1 has a damn good attempt, only becoming unstuck when things become very busy from a musical perspective, and that's probably just be because it is about 5 years overdue for recapping. I would put money on the fact that a CDS2 / Nait / Kan system would outperform any other way of spending that budget on a CD based system! I am running my Kans with a recently serviced 32.5 / Hicap / 250, and am not going to consider any new amplification unless I can afford to totally max out my sources first.

Oh Andrew, congratulations on the CDX, I really want one myself.


Posted on: 16 July 2001 by Phil Barry
It's time for me to get a new toy, I believe. I'm considering swapping my 2 hicaps for a supercap or upgrading my CD player (CDS1, CDX, or ?), and it's really a difficult choice. (I listen to LP mainly, but I'm starting into Jazz, which is much cheaper and more available in CD re-issues than in original vinyl - not to mention shellac!)

My intuition says, 'Go for the CDX', but my head reminds me that the only CD player I ever really liked - on only a short listen - was a CDS. My head also tells me that if I go for the CDX, I may need an XPS to get the sound I want - but I don't want to spend $8K for a CD player (especially in the twilight of redbook CDs)!

OTOH, since I put my $2K in 1992 Sony on a sound frame, CD has been VERY enjoyable.

I wish this were and easier choice. Maybe I'll try to rebuild my relationship with my local dealer....I really need to listen....


82, 2 X hicap, 250, and ????

[This message was edited by Phil Barry on MONDAY 16 July 2001 at 16:47.]

Posted on: 17 July 2001 by Alex S.
With your LP12 set up you should rush out and listen to the Supercap - I thought an 82 with both 1 and 2 hi-caps not much better than my old 32.5. but give it a Supeercap and the 82 is transformed into a stunning pre-amp.
Posted on: 17 July 2001 by Andrew Randle
OK Steve, here's the plan.

1) Buy an XPS
2) Compare an 82/Super/250 against a DNM 3C Six/PAS3. Maybe a 52 would be more appropriate here though.

My current opinion (and it can change) is that the DNM will trounce the Naim combo. No denying though, Naim do make the best CD players in the world, but the jury is out on the amplifier situation.


Andrew Randle
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