Linn Ittok rewire

Posted by: Chris L on 16 October 2001

My father's got a twenty(ish) year old Ittok on his LP12. Not currently in financial position to invest in an Aro, he's been thinking about the possibility of getting Ittok rewired.

Does anyone know where (other than Linn) one can get an Ittok rewired? One of the reasons he's not keen on Linn is that, unlike Naim, Linn have been less than helpful to him over the past few years, and so he's loath to give more business to them.


Chris L

Posted on: 16 October 2001 by Arthur Bye
I imagine Origin Live could do this


Arthur Bye

Posted on: 17 October 2001 by Chris L
Thanks guys,

Not sure about Van Den Hul, I wasn't awfully impressed by their speaker cable - well, I thought it was dreadful, so we'll keep that as a last resort.

I've mailed Origin Live to see if they can help - I'm interested in one of their modifed RB250's for my own LP12 so I was in touch with them anyway. Will update when I hear back from them.

Chris L