What equipment supports do you use and do you aspire to something else?
Posted by: Alex S. on 19 November 2001
So I'm asking the question because I'm genuinely interested in what people are using and whether they are happy. There is so much to choose from ranging from Fraim and Wilson Benesch to the late Brian D's warped home made attempt to the late Vuk's majestic creations to Blzebub's . . . hold on a minute, why are so many stand characters no longer with us?
I digress. For the record I have a sawn up SO rack with a sheet of ally and three SoundFrames for the LP12. A 4 tier standard Base rack for CDS2/Linto/DVL100/Lingo and a 3 tier standard Base rack for the DVHX1.2 and CDPS (with an empty shelf between them).
I have Nordost Pulsar Points under the CDS2 & CDPS and 2 Base platforms under the CDP just for fun.
Each of the 3 stands is as far apart as the leads allow.
I am happy with the above arrangement and do not aspire to anything different.
I am fortunate to listen at work and not care what anything looks like.
Not much of memory! we never said that.
"I am happy with the above arrangement and do not aspire to anything different"
I guess it is well matched to your system. Well done.
My home cinema system is mounted on a fairly expensive Stands Unique rack. It's a lovely bit of furniture but not what I'd regards as hi-fi.
Most of the components in my bedroom system are heaped onto a little side-table (except the DAC which is on the floor at the side).
Will get: Hutter
Fraims are just too wide and twiddly for me.
Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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I'm using a 5 tier QS Ref with black shelves and silver pillars, and I have it stacked from the top Rega P9, CDX, Tom Evans Microgroove, Nait 2, P9 PSU. The mains block and CDX lead is Music Works, all other cabling is Naim. I am absolutely delighted with this system, and now have no real desire to upgrade other than two remaining tweaks: I am going to get the 'bog seat' modification done to four out of my five shelves (my phono stage would fall through the hole, so I ain't getting that shelf done!), and I also want to get my amp recapped and serviced within the next year as its about due for one.
That is it. I'm done. I'm happy, and am stopping at this point unless I become bizarrely rich. Any additional money that I come across will used on records and other areas - I would like a fretless, and an acoustic guitar bass (hmmm, what about a fretless acoustic?), a Minimoog would be nice, and I've always fancied a Rick 4001, a digital camera would be cool too… Oh God, this is going to be just as bloody expensive as hi-fi…
I use a home made Ash design clone (750*1000mm) in beech and steel and a smaller one for the TV cable box DVD video, sounds cracking it just keeps getting better and better at the moment don't know why, and don't care just as long as it keeps it up.
pete (DIY or Die)
Currently use a Mana Reference for the Linn and a modified Sound Organisation 6 tier for everything else. Would like to get an Ash design (appearance and price!!) Ideally would like a home trial of this - know any deakers who would oblige??
1) CD5 - soon to be replaced by a CDX.
2) Densen B200 preamp.
3) Rega Fono, Rega Ear.
4) Flatcap2 - this will soon disappear along with its shelf.
5) Densen B300 power amp.
The shelves will have the holes cut in them at the earliest opportunity, and I may stick a shelf under my MW block.
Oh, and my turntable (P25) will eventually have its own QS Ref. wallshelf to replace the one by Rega which happens to be ferrous.
It's always a nice day for it Have a good one!
It's good to get back to normal.
HAVE: FRAIM and more music
DID: get banned from MANA forum
[This message was edited by Jez Quigley on MONDAY 19 November 2001 at 15:53.]
Since I'm not a fan of Mana's looks, I've got it hidden in the closet (which makes setup even more challenging). If my gear had to be in the open, I would probably switch to a Fraim.
BTW, very recent tests have shown that my system sounds good even on the proverbial shagpile. Since both Mana and the Fraim were designed with Naim electronics as the main "tenant", I'm sure that both support systems will provide a worthwhile boost in performance.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Never heard Fraim, never heard Mana.
What you've never heard, you'll never miss.
Steve B
Would like to upgrade to Fraim in the future...
Is anyone(else) using marble, granite and or slate supports or shelves?
I use hne granite speaker stands and they're excellent. I know hne make wood/granite equipment supports but I haven't heard them (I was advised that they produce a bright sound with Naim. Not sure if I believe that).
Have: Mana
Like-the-look-of: Fraim (but haven't heard)
Will be conducting some tests in the near future to try out this 'tune' thing once and for all. I need a non-ferrous option for my DNM anyhow, but I could get away with a single shelf, say.
I am looking forward to hearing the competition again (and Fraim for the first time).
TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
I use: the amazing Ricorack non-ferrous support system.
I aspire to: non-rack magnetic levitation support system. No more w*n#ing on about better racks.
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Ok. Got Fraim...and keepin' Fraim. Will even buy more Fraim if me box count ever goes up.
Have never seen or heard: Mana, the mythical beast.
Want: Fraim because a brief comparison showed it to be a great deal better (and a good deal more expensive; maybe when I’m old)
Would quite like: a small amount of Fraimage for the CDX and the more critical other units. Dubious about putting an LP12 on such a demanding (setup-wise) stand. Also currently unable to accomodate the Fraim's width. Would keep the Projekt anyway as it's an attractive and useful unit.
Question: after the CD transport, what is the order of criticality among Naim system components to be Fraimed? E.g., if you had 3 Fraim shelves, what would you put on them?
Gravity Neutralized Weightlessness - hey - where can I get me some of that? Is there a forum? Or is a space shuttle one of the required setup parameters?
Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Steadying myself after reading TC will look at this "tune" thing....
You shouldn't be surprised - I'm always game to look for ways to improve what I have; if I felt for one second that Mana was indeed 'ruining' the tune then I'd sell it. Plain and simple. That's why I will settle this for myself once and for all and hear the 'big three' - QS Ref, Fraim and Mana. Of course, I have heard the QS Ref and Mana before - but the Fraim will be new to me.
TC '..'
"Girl, you thought he was a man, but he was a Muffin..."
I use: Neuance shelves for the CDX and 72.
I want: A Fraim, all Black, Sometime in
the far future.