Intro to Credo

Posted by: Jay on 08 November 2001

I've recently upgraded the old jet black Intros to a lovely pair of Cherry Credos (a little less monolithic).

Great deal all in all (second-hand) but I haven't noticed a hell of a lot of difference. Sure a little more refined but not a lot else.

I'm not worried that much about it, I've just plonked them down where the Intros were without any tweaking. About a foot from a rear wall, 3 metres apart and free from side walls.

I'm about to embark on the holy crusade of speaker placement, so has anyone been in the same situation and what were your impressions/findings?

Thanks Jay

Posted on: 08 November 2001 by redeye
Sounds like the two speakers are to close to call. Maybe you and Naim speakers aren't destined to be
Sound of credos can be very affected by the prox. of the back wall. Really, one cm can make all the difference


Posted on: 08 November 2001 by Bruce Woodhouse
It is worth having a fiddle with positioning, closer to the wall helps bass but it can become a bit boxy/boomy.

Be careful when you move them to make sure they are well sited-in other words that the spikes are making good contact with the floor-this really makes a big difference. If they are rocking or not fully through the carpet then the sound can go off quite a lot. easiest to do this with the top box removed (don't lose the spacers) and then you can really press down firmly.

I have never heard Intro but had Credos for some years. If they sound a bit underwhelming it may be something else in the system. Over time I found that they had lots of potential as a speaker and improved with changes to source and amp etc, showing real qualities with better spec kit in the chain. I went active with mine before eventually moving to SBL


Posted on: 08 November 2001 by Mike Sae
Did the dem,

The Credo keeps the tonal balance and feel of the Intro but improves on it in every way, in accordance with the price increase. The tweeter is better behaved and the music doesn't fall apart as easily as the Intro might.

Posted on: 09 November 2001 by Jay
Thanks everyone for that, I'll try moving them out a bit.

I found 8 to 10 cms from the back wall gives the best base definition with Credos.

Hell Keith, do you listen to a lot of Reggae or something? My Credos are at least a foot out from the wall and I think I need to move them out more!

Maybe 3 years with Intros has effected my hearing. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that I'm probably so used to how they sound.

Funny got used to the CDX and 102 pretty quickly smile


Posted on: 09 November 2001 by Chris Metcalfe
..Don't forget.

I have a question - are the allaes intended to be used actively? If so, can the IXO be used, or are there plans for a new 5-style crossover unit? Or could a SNAXO be used?