SNAXO question

Posted by: Steve Catterall on 10 May 2001

I've noticed that using 135s with a SNAXO, that the amps fed by the top row of outputs - that is the channel 1 treble amp and the 2 bass amps, both have the speaker cables plugged in upside down.

Could anyone explain to me why this should be.

Posted on: 10 May 2001 by Thomas K
Steve, sorry - I haven't got a clue, but I hope you don't mind me posing another SNAXO question while we're at it ...

SNAXO 2-4: Does anyone know what the factory (and I assume neutral) setting is for the internal frequency band volume pots? I borrowed one and the bass was set so loud it was impossible to judge the component’s sound by any standards.

The pots for HF are set to roughly 10 o’clock. LF *was* at about 8.30, so I set it hard left (which is about 7.30) only to find out that turning the pot counter-clockwise increased the volume. Having set the LF to 10 (same as HF) seems to have alleviated the problem, however, as I’ve spent 24 hours in the valley of the bass (extremely tight and dry, yet ridiculously loud), I think my hearing has to readjust before I can rid myself of any tonal angst. I’m assuming the neutral setting would be 12 o’clock for both – or is the result the same as long as all pots are set to the same position?


Posted on: 11 May 2001 by Martin Payne

the stereo amps (250, etc) have left & right o/p sockets. The 135s are all arranged as per the right-hand sockets on the stereo amps.

Since you're obviously using Naim spaced plugs you can swap the two plugs in the shell to resolve this.


EDIT:- I probably should have said 'swap the two prongs' in the shell. BTW - you will need to modify the amp end, not the speaker end.

[This message was edited by Martin Payne on FRIDAY 11 May 2001 at 23:00.]