ibl's and other things

Posted by: GC on 02 July 2001

i have just bought a pair of naim ibls and although they sound excellent even though i havent set them up correctly yet i keep wondering what the differences are between the mark ones and the mark two'2.......if anybody knows of a pair to sell can they let me know?
also, how should i upgrade next?
i have:

system 1
cdx,82,250,2x hicap,ibl's,headline,grado rs1.

system 2 (old stuff)
meridian 200,deltec dpa da converter, 102,napsc,140,hicap,epos es 11's and epos es 14's (not yet decided which pair to keep - listening room is quite small)

all help will be greatly appreciated...

Posted on: 02 July 2001 by GC
haha, serious answers please mr chow!
so you dont do anything at work apart from browsing loot, ebay and the naim forums wondering how to spend money you dont have?