Crown SL-1 Phono Stage

Posted by: John on 13 June 2002

I have a Crown SL-1 phono stage that I picked up at a garage sale and want to get it running. The phono stage design seems to be 100% like my prefix setup. It is designed to be powered from a Crown preamp which I don't have. The power connection has 3 wires, white black and red. Since I don't have a Crown preamp, how can I power this phono stage? Can I use any of the outputs on my Supercap? My Supercap is being used to power my 52. Do I need a power regulator?

Any help is appreciated.

Posted on: 13 June 2002 by Mark Dunn
Hi John:

For a better chance at an answer go to and click on 'Vinyl'. Someone there will know exactly what you need and will probably have the circuit diagrams to boot.

Best Regards,
Mark Dunn
Posted on: 14 June 2002 by John
Mark, thanks for the info. I already posted a similar message on the audio asylum.

I want to know if I can run this off my Supercap (82 outputs) which is being used for my 52.
