Combining a Nait 5 with a Nap 150

Posted by: Mr_Sukebe on 07 June 2002


I have a Nait 5 and am considering adding a Nap 150 (at least it's tonal style will match).

If I were to add a Nap 150:
1. Can I use both the power from the Nait5 and the Nap 150 to allow me to bi-amp my Kabers?
2. If I were to bi-amp using the two power amp sections, are there likely to be any volume matching issues as the Nap 150 is approximately 50% more powerful?
3. Can anyone commment on the likely improvements I'd get?

Posted on: 09 June 2002 by Mr_Sukebe

Thanks for that. Bit of a shock though, thought I'd be able to add it straight on.

As you've experienced the difference between a Nait and a 112/150, how would you describe it?
Posted on: 09 June 2002 by Rico
Have you considered a Flatcap 2, or a hicap for the Nait 5?

What's the source?

With Kabers on the end, ISTM your system is a little mulleted-out if the source is not of strong proportions, and you may be just band-aiding the amplification.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 09 June 2002 by Lightkeeper
Hi Sukebe !

Rico is right, the better sound is more important than a few watts of almost same. I was shure that adding a Hi-Cap to your Nait would give much more than your option. If you have a Naim CD5, you can add Flatcap2 to it and feed both the amp and cd in same time. This would give you more quality sound. But, if you can afford Hi-Cap, just go for it, it is much better than any FC. On your playe, I would rather buy 140 than 150, because it is MILES better than 150 and you can use Nait as a pre.
Good luck,
