MP3 players...
Posted by: Top Cat on 28 February 2001
I know they're not hifi, but if you read on you'll see where I'm getting at. When the weather gets a bit milder and the mornings are lighter, I like to go for the occasional run - perhaps twice or three mornings a week. I'd like to be able to take some sounds with me, and obviously sound quality is not the most important thing here - portability and weight are.
Can anyone recommend a decent MP3 player which might be light enough to attach to my clothing without bouncing too much, can hold at least a typical CDs worth of music (let's say, 60m of AC/DC or Van Halen, which I find the best exercise music of all )
Any thoughts or experiences? Remember, sound quality would be nice but I'm just looking for something to alleviate the 'mind games' that my 6K runs can sometimes cause...