Mick's Pics Vol. 1

Posted by: Jez Quigley on 07 August 2002

Mick has had a few problems uploading, so for those of you who can't wait any longer, here they are!

Posted on: 08 August 2002 by P

Nearly fell off me chair!

Haven't laughed so much in years.


Posted on: 08 August 2002 by Mick P

Did you hurt yourself


Posted on: 08 August 2002 by Mick P

Actually, I like the look of the Loricraft plinth sitting on the Hutter, so it will stay there. Mrs Mick likes it as well.

Mana is far to small to accommodate the Loricraft plinth which measures 23"or 22" x 17".

To to fair to Jez, he has done a good job on the pics but I can send you the originals when I get home at 10.00pm tonight.

I am going to take some pics with the Leica which should murder the digital rubbish.


Posted on: 09 August 2002 by Jez Quigley
Apart from applying the compression I didn't do any mastering. The pics are just as nature intended. I just wanted to help Mick get them up here. If Vuk wants to take on the job of optimising them, I'm happy if Mick is.

"All systems are perfectly designed to get the results they get."
Posted on: 09 August 2002 by Nigel Cavendish

It is very generous to invite us into your home in this way.

May I say that your dress sense and choice of decor exactly match the impression I have gained of you from your many valued contributions. Your written descriptions of the interior both here and in the other place did not adequately convey the truth of the matter.



Posted on: 09 August 2002 by count.d
Nigel, you took the words straight out of my mouth.
Posted on: 09 August 2002 by garth
Sorry to interupt the general tone of this amusing thread but isn't it genrally considered a no-no to have the equipment rack so close to a speaker as seems to be the case in both Mick's and Vuk's postings? Perhaps this is only the case with lesser racks or perhaps it only has an adverse effect on soundstaging, which we as flatearthers all eschew? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Posted on: 09 August 2002 by Rico
Fabulous work, Matthew. smile

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Johns Naim
Hey, great thread, how about some pics of other members systems/setup/loungerooms/ etc, and not forgetting pics of the owners as well, so we can all put faces to the names that so ofter contribute here, and make it such an interesting place to visit.

I'd start, but I don't have a camera! - yet! of either the 'girly boy' Leica type, or the ultra butch 'gay motorbiker' Nikon type. big grin

Just joking chaps, but wouldn't some pics of other members and their systems be fun. wink

Hoping to see some more of this,


Johannes. wink

Populist thinking exalts the simplistic and the ordinary
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Jay
I'm gonna have a go at uploading some pic's now. I'm an amateur and the cameras not so hot taking pic's inside - so no jibes smile

Just moved the system into this room yesterday so there's a bit more tweaking necessary. I think placing the speakers up against a weight baring wall instead of an internal wall has really helped......or I could be talking complete bollocks big grin

All I know is that it sounds very good after just running in for the day.

Enjoy Jay
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Jay
Pic 2
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Jay
And Pic 3!
Posted on: 10 August 2002 by Jay
How do you actually get them in here?
Posted on: 11 August 2002 by herm
Thanks Jay,

I would say that's the difference with many of our English or European listening rooms. Some of this equipment is sitting in rooms that are way smaller than the gear wants to handle (so you're either listening at too low a volume or blasting your ears). There's so much more space available in America and the various Zealands. Nice system, nice room.

Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Alco
Nice pics, Jay !

But still....I don't get it... the pics you placed here are quite big. I can only place pics hardly bigger then a post stamp!
When I'd place a picture the size you did I always get the message:"You have exceeded the maximum size (32kb)" (al my pics are JPG)

I don't understand this confused frown

O,well. I'll better learn to live with the fact that from the first day, computers and I never get along.;)

Posted on: 11 August 2002 by John Sheridan
when reducing the size of your files to get under 32kb try doing so by decreasing the jpg quality rather than the resolution. Reducing the quality from 75 to 60 will halve the size of the file without any noticeable (for forum purposes) difference.
Posted on: 11 August 2002 by plynnplynn
I don't get it... the pics you placed here are quite big. I can only place pics hardly bigger then a post stamp!
When I'd place a picture the size you did I always get the message:"You have exceeded the maximum size (32kb)" (al my pics are JPG).................
O,well. I'll better learn to live with the fact that from the first day, computers and I never get along.;)

Alco if you get a package which has an option to 'Save for Web' or similar you need not think much. With a very user frienfly interface the compression will be carried out to a level which is suitable for the job. I use Adobe PhotoShop which I know is expensive but Adobe PhotoShop Elements is a 'cut down' and much much cheaper version of the full PhotoShop. It will provide all the facilities that you require.


PhotoShop Elements Details
Posted on: 11 August 2002 by Steve G
Originally posted by Johns Naim:

I'd start, but I don't have a camera! - yet! of either the 'girly boy' Leica type, or the ultra butch 'gay motorbiker' Nikon type. big grin

Nikon? I spit on your Nikon. Us "ultra butch 'gay motorbiker'" types use Pentax & Bronica.

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Jay
Thanks Herm and Alco for your comments.

After living in the UK for 2 years I certainly know where you're coming from on the living room size thing. The great thing in NZ is that we have even more room "outside" big grin

There's still a bit of tweaking to do me thinks.

I'm seriously considering putting philips head screws in the floor and siting the Credos into them. I've had considerable improvement before...I think the Credos are low enough but it may just tidy up the sound a little. The timings good but I've heard them a little better.

I'm surprised no one's commented on the sonic virtues of the lava lamp eek

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Matthew T

To get the picture into the thread do the following:
1. Open picture from the thread.
2. Copy the URL [looks like this - http://naim-audio.infopop.net/1/OpenTopic/s/67019385/a/ga/ul/6001950175/Naim_system_pictures_010_copy.jpg]
3. Return to your post and select to edit it.
4. Select image from below reply and paste URL
5. Select update.

cheers Matthew

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by Jay
Thanks Matthew big grin

Posted on: 12 August 2002 by M. Brandstetter
Dear Jay,

maybe you could enhance your system setup
without a penny...

you coilled not only the speaker wires, so
youve done with the hf-wires and ( i dont see
well ) the powercords?

Try to put them straight and no coils.

bye the way nice wall color :-) what about your
sources? there are no cds or lps lying around ???
