ClearLight RDC products
Posted by: Peter Stockwell on 23 April 2001
So far the most spectacular change I ever made with the support was to substitute some daruma balls under the TT, but this gave me too much bass. I'm looking for something that kill the last vibrations from the 401 motor, will a Clearlight shelf do the trick ?
Congratulations on having the good sense and taste to own a Garrard 401.....much better than this sheep like obsession all the rest have with owning bloody LP 12's.
Peter, I live in Swindon and am only about 10 miles from Loricraft who now own all manufacturing rights to the 301/401/501.
I have had a few chats with Terry Sullivan of Loricraft and according to him, the best upgrade is to drop your 401 into one of their 28mm thick plinths.
I have done this with excellent results.
Simon who runs Audio T at Reading which is highly respected, commented that he was surprised how good my 401 sounded, compared to LP 12's.
I have mounted my 401 on two layers of the famous Vuk contraption of nut/ball bearing/nut/MDF and that also improved the sound considerably.
Terry was not convinced that specialist tables help that much with the 401 and you must remember that he is the import agent for RDC products.
Get the Loricraft plinth, not only does it sound good, it is a true piece of craftsmanship.
Mick....proud owner of a 401
I bought the 401 as a winter project 3 years ago. I had it prepared by Martin Bastin, it's in a plinth inspired by Bastin's Maxplank design. I think the Loricraft plinths are two piece constructions with some damping material in them ? I've seen many photos of Terry's plinths, they are great looking. I've tried on a number of occasions to get information from Loricraft, but since they never responded to me I assumed they hadn't any intention of ever wanting to do business with me.
My plinth suffers from being a bit of botched job, I had only a couple of days to work on the actual construction of the plinth and some of the mitring leaves something to be desired. I can feel the idea of a top notch plinth for the beast is growing, but I don't think I want to do that yet.
How's yours with speed stability over the long term, mine takes about 2-3 hours to fully stabilise. In fact it always sounds best after running for about 6-8 hours.
Apart from this little idiosyncrasy, I'm really pleased with it.
I've seen Vuk's constructions, and wondered about a holey triangle arrangement. The garrard definitely needs a solid mounting, but it does a bit of compliance too. hifi for sale Has the clearlight stuff in the UK, I'm looking for a french or german source
The guys at loricraft are real HiFi enthusiasts but their admin procedures are, shall we say, somewhat dis organised.
If you want to get an answer from them, you need to telephone them and dont bother to leave a message on the answer phone, you will never hear back.
However, once you have contacted them...they are great.
The two best upgrades according to them are the plinth and BNC connectors.
The Loricraft plinth is a monster, it weighs a ton and I found the decoupling effects of Vuks contraption very effective.
If you want Loricrafts tel number let me know.
I usually let the TT run for about 5 mins to allow the RPM to be precisely fixed. After that, it is fine.
Methinks I have a problem if yours only takes 5 miutes to stabilise, mine has always needed a few hours, not that it sounds instable. I have an external power supply and a hand held strobe so the reference is not the mains frequency, and when it's warmed up the tables own strobe wont light up at all.
Thus micro and macro dynamic contrast become, err, more three dimensional.
I contqcted the german representative of Loricraft, I fancy one of their mats, and they told me the plinth prices, from stock, start at € 1750... gulp. I was expecting more like € 1000, still they are things of beauty.
If you are serious about a plinth.....E mail me direct.......You won't pay anything like that.