The Next Step

Posted by: Darren Cotter on 02 September 2002

Hello All,

I'm thinking of spending aroung £2000 on my current system: LP12/Ittok LVIII/17D2/Lingo, CDI, 82/Hi-Cap * 2/250 & SBL's. I also a have chrome bumper style 250 & Hi-Cap that are not currently being used.

The obvious choice might be to go for a CDX, but most seem to think that it only beats a CDI when partnered with a XPS, and my next upgrade may be some time coming.

I would also like to fully naim the LP12, but after changing the arm & power supply separately, it might be cheaper to trade the lot in against an existing naimed player.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Darren Cotter
Posted on: 02 September 2002 by kan man
Sell the 3 hicaps and get a supercap and an ARO.

Posted on: 03 September 2002 by Darren Cotter

I never thought of going active. The spare 250 is serial no.3286 from 1982. How would that sound (if serviced) against a two year old 250?


Darren Cotter
Posted on: 03 September 2002 by greeny
I'd of thought you could sell your CDI and one 250 and one Hicap and buy a CDX/XPS second hand or even a CDS/XPS. Thats if you want to improve your CD source.
Posted on: 03 September 2002 by Phil Barry
Can you say soething about what aspect of the system you want to improve? Is there soemthing annoying about the sound you get now? Also, are you committed to new equipment, or are you interested in buying used?

An electronics upgrade will improve both CD and vinyl. A tuner may provide a lot of enjoyment. If you listen primarily to LPs, a new arm is likely to be the best bet. If you buy used, it may be hard to get a dem, but the cost is lower. If you buy new, then a dealer should be happy to dem the various choices.

