Posted by: Paul Stephenson on 18 November 2001
Together with the German version of the Naim Newsletter (nice work Thomas!) I received an extract from the Fraim test as it appeared in the october edition of Stereo. Very positive.
Image hifi announced a Fraim review by Werner Höglmaier for their next issue which appears the 14th of December. I expect it to be very positive. In the current issue there is a picture of a Naim system on Fraim taken from the London Hi-Fi Show, Image hifi comments: "The Fraim, Naim's rack system, not only looks good, but, according to WH, sounds fantastic too".
Your duty is clear.
Go out and buy the magazine, read it, tell us which racks the FRAIM was up against and confirm it was the best by a wide margin. Write a short, interesting, humorous and imformative report, translate it into perfect English and post it here not later than 17.00 hrs Monday 19th November.
This is no different to your English homework from school-days.
The teachers (thats us lot here in UK, USA, Canada, and especially Stallion) will then challenge every word, phrase, adjective, hidden meaning, etc, etc. Assuming the FRAIM comes out on top (well it must, otherwise Paul S wouldn't have mentioned it) those of us who like the FRAIM will then applaud your work and think you're the greatest reporters of all time, whilst Stallion, Mr Pig and others will call 'foul' over some irrelevant turn of phrase, and condem you both, and the rest of us, to the land of cloth-eared sheep again. Or am I getting synical in my old age?
But please give us the report!
Although I'm not a fan of Stereoplay I'll have a look tomorrow morning if I can find the issue. If I find a copy, I'll post a summary during the day. Can't guarantee though that it will be humorous, that's more Thomas' speciality!
The Naim Fraim is the clear winner with 8 out of 10 units and a neutral sound character, Hutter scores 5 out of 10 with a neutral sound character as well. The other racks all have a coloured sound character (damped (?) or dynamic) and score as follows: Creaktiv and Phonosophie 5 out of 10, Finite Elemente 7 out of 10.
Conclusion: Fraim is the absolute winner. Fraim sounded better in all fields: timing, detail, tempo, structure, bass precision. Top class! Price is high, but justified due to excellent finish.
P.S. I can scan the article tonight, so if you want to improve your German, just send me an e-mail!
Please send me a copy of the test if it's not too much trouble.
They don't mention which equipment they used. They suggest to play around a bit with equipment placement. According to them often the CD player sounds better on the bottom shelf and the power amplifier on the top shelf. Question of right weight distribution and personal preferences. They didn't specify if this is the case with all racks tested.
Absolutley perfect!
Especially the bit about polishing your balls frequently!!.
If Paul S gets the 'link' in place, I'll get my youngest girl to translate as part of her German homework!!!
nice. I would be interested in any translation of the German review text if possible??