Posted by: Paul B on 12 April 2002

I am considering replacing my elderly SBLs and have four questions regarding the new SL2:

Is the SL2 designed to be placed up against the wall as with the SBL or is placement more flexible as with the NBL?

Could a SNAXO, configured for an SBL, be used with the SL2 in an active system or is it necessary to reconfigure the SNAXO (or purchase another SNAXO)?

In what area of performance is the SL2 designed to surpass the SBL and what are the possible advantages of the NBL in comparison with the SL2?

When will the SL2 be available?

I am hoping that someone at Naim will kindly reply. Thanks in advance.


Posted on: 12 April 2002 by Not For Me
On a ragga tip ?


Posted on: 12 April 2002 by J.N.
I am in the same situation as yourself with active SBL's and seek the same answers.

Suggest you e-mail Naim direct:

I would appreciate a copy of any reply at:

Many thanks.

Posted on: 13 April 2002 by Manu
IMO, SL2 will use the same SNAXO 2 as the others.
All Naim speakers (except intro) use the same tweeter base (monting is different), the SNAXO cut-off (high/mid-bass) is the same for all curent speakers. I can't see a reason why it should not be the same for the SL2.


[This message was edited by Manu on SUNDAY 14 April 2002 at 00:56.]