Good, cheap tuners . . . Suggestions Please
Posted by: Todd A on 28 March 2001
As to price, I'm thinking in the $500 or so range (or about 300 pounds or $750 Canadian dollars for those of you in the appropriate countries). I know Marantz makes a $600 tuner and my dealer may cut me a deal, but other than that, are there any good tuners out there in my price range? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I would recommend searching for a decent used tuner on AudioGon or similar web site. There were a couple of Magnum Dynalabs in your price range a couple of days ago. Try for a FT101 or 101A. If you can find a Nakamichi ST-7 that would be decent as well but I would save your $$$ and see if you can find a NAT03 used (there was one on AudioGon last week).
When you're ready, get the NAT01.
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
The otehr way round might be a problem if the tuner has 'digitally sythetized tuning', i.e. if the increments are in 200khz steps, coz they start at .1 to .3 to .5 etc. I bought a CD/AM/FM unit for a car in the US once, and it never worked in the UK because of the tuning steps.
luckily I was able to exchange it at the store I bought for something I could use ... ouf
May be able to pick one up for pocket money second hand, since they all suffer from the backlight to the LCD failing after 3 years or so, and judging from the comments I've seen on the Web most people assume the display has failed.
It's easy to fix with either new bulb (there's two festoon lamps for illumination), or a string of suitable LED's, which will then last forever.
The other common problem was a buzzing mains transformer - either listen carefully, or if you're a dab hand with a soldering iron, there's loads of space for a sizeable toroidal transformer in the case, which improves sound for very little cost.
Andrew L. Weekes
Cheapest halfway reasonable tuner on the market is the Denon TU260LII at £130 RRP.
The Arcam tuners are pretty good for relatively sensible money (the DiVA tuner is £279.90 if memory serves).
The Rega Radio 2000 still has that tiny display, but has the even worse looks of the 2000 series. It's meant to sound pretty good for £350.
If you're worried or want DAB, you could go for the videologic which isn't far off the Arcam DAB tuner in performance but only costs £300.
I would definitely look out for a 2nd hand Creek.
I went from Creek to NAT 01 because I could not find anything else in-between except for cheaper Naim tuners.
Cheapest halfway reasonable tuner on the market is the Denon TU260LII at £130 RRP.
99 quid from Richer Sounds!
PS Two fabulous tuners from a second hand perspective are the Onix that matches the OA21 which is allegedly right up there with the best, and the Sugden T48. Both are a really cool shoebox shape, and would happily share a shelf with a half width Naim box.
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
Does your wife really consider $500 "cheap" for a tuner?
If so, you're better off selling her on the idea of getting a top-notch antenna and a $300. tuner. The best sounding budget set-up in the US is a Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antenna with a Creek tuner.(The Onix, Sugden, Quad, Roksan, Rega, etc. are rare in the US depending where you live)
The ST-2 sounds best up-high outside but it can be mounted unobtrusively behind a curtain or in a closet inside with decent results(it is a whip antenna).
Ron The Mon
Does your wife really consider $500 "cheap" for a tuner?
No. I do. She actually thinks $500 is outrageous, but she won't divorce me if I buy one in that price range. Were I to try to buy a Naim tuner, that would cause some serious problems, even though she admitted to liking the look of the 5 Series gear I bought. Your idea of buying a good, expensive antenna is intriguing. I shall consider that option.
With respect to the Magnum antenna (and the similar Fanfare one), yes, the antenna is unobtrusive, being a slim whip-type. It is also reportedly excellent in external high-wind environments, and it's cheap at $80. I have 3 issues with it, however -
1) the antenna is unobtrusive, but the cable is not;
2) it is not suitable where multipath is a big problem;
3) it's not a long distance solution (10-15 miles)?.
So, Todd, if you can mount an roof antenna, and/or if you're far from the transmitter, include the antenna cost in your calculations.
M-D also and antenna amp that is reportedly effective. I'd be looking at a new FM solution, except that WNIB in Chicago is gone, and the formerly great WFMT now sucks.
So is this the dog's bollocks solution for those who can't use a big antenna? Does it deliver the music as well as the signal?
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
You said:
Is this the solution for those who
can't use a big antenna? Does it deliver the
music as well as the signal?
The ST-2 is the solution for those who
can use a big antenna. Two Naim dealers
whose hearing I trust say the ST-2 is as good
or almost as good as the Ron Smith units in
sound quality. I've yet to compare. When I get
an NAT-01 this summer I will also get a Ron
Smith just to compare and ease my mind.
Speaking strictly on distant reception there is no doubt; a localized, focused antenna will
receive a signal where an ST-2 won't. But then
again as stated above a Kremlin will get
stations an NAT-01 won't. Which do you want?
And at what cost? I repeat: in the U.S. you
have to spend triple the cost to get the sonic
equal of an ST-2/Creek combo.
You said
I have 3 issues with it, however -
1) the antenna is unobtrusive, but the cable is not;
2) it is not suitable where multipath is a big
3) it's not a long distance solution (10-15
1)the cabling to an ST-2 is the same as using an outdoor aerial! It is also less obtrusive than an ugly dipole thumbtacked to a wall or laying on the floor(or a cheesy indoor directional).
2) I live in an area of Detroit where there are about 20 transmitters(AM, FM, and TV) within a 10 mile radius as well as high-rises and worst, one block from my home are 100 foot tall major power lines. I do get bad RF through my Naim amps but no multi-path from the ST-2.
3) All the stations I get from the ST-2 are 30 miles, or less, away. When I want to hear the King Biscuit in Toledo,(or Sarnia or Kalamazoo stations)I need to connect my "directional" antenna to get those but they are 60-100 miles away!!
Ron The Mon
As Ron Toolsie once mentioned, the major problem with the ST-2 is its striking resemblance to a lightning-rod so make sure you ground it properly if it is mounted outside.
Thanks for the response. I think this bears investigation - I think I'll pick one up soon!
Anyone know who the UK distributor is?
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
I've told my wife I'll start with a whip in the stereo room (ground floor). The next step (if necessary) is to move it to the roof. The final solution would be to replace it with the Ron Smith on the roof. Even in that case I would probably extend the mast and mount the whip on top. That would give me the best of both worlds, although I may have to swap cables occasionally.
The other factor is that I don't know whether I'll listen to much radio. I don't even have a tuner in my apartment right now (other than the clock radio), but I suspect our dynamic in the upcoming house will be much different.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Try a Technics, I have had one for 10 years and it only cost £99.
It has done me proud.
Christ Mike that'll teach her not to interfere with you and your stereo!
Have a good day.
-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Fanfare makes a copy at just a few bucks more, if you can find a Fanfare dealer but no an MD one.