Neat Vitos or Shahinian Obelisk?

Posted by: Regis on 13 February 2002

Looking to step up from a pr. of Credos, driven by 140/HC/72. I'd like to purchase the speakers b4 upgrading the electronics. Room size is 25' x 25' w/15' vaulted cielings. Probably cannot listen to either b4 making purchase decision, has anybody 'listening experience' w/both? I understand they are two different 'animals' but if you could own either, which & why?

Additional considerations?

Thanx for any help....


Posted on: 13 February 2002 by Andrew Randle
Additional considerations?



Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"

Posted on: 13 February 2002 by woodface
I would definately look at more power before speakers. Credos should drive the room ifyou give them some stick.
Posted on: 14 February 2002 by Raphael
Hi Jason
In your reply to Regis you mention that Shahinians need careful placement. I have Obelisks (2 years old) driven by a
DV HX1.2/52/CDS2/LP12 and they sound good but I am not totally convinced that I have best positioned the 'speakers. Any tips you could give would be gratefully received.
Best regards
Posted on: 15 February 2002 by Raphael
Hi Jason
Thank you very much for your reply and suggestions which I shall try. My main problem is that my room does not have brick walls (the first skin is that board stuff ) and I wonder if the Obs are modulating the walls when playing at a 'more-than-moderate' sound level. Also the overall room is something like 16 ft by 12 foot so it is not really that big and I wonder if the Obs are simply too much for the little room.
At low to medium sound levels everything is great but things (particualarly bass) start to lose their control and definition at higher levels. There is a definite point at which things seems to lose control and it is far from ear-splitting levels.
Anyway thanks again for any suggestions you might have. Perhaps I need to put some rugs on the walls!
Best regards
Posted on: 15 February 2002 by Goose
In my experience people always put the too far apart, and toe them in too far.
What cable are you using, kimber really will work in your system IMO? Bring them away from reflective surfaces, away from corners too.

The room needs damping too...even a poster on the wall helps to break those sound waves.
All these things help..Do a search, as ages ago I posted something on shahinian set up!

Feel free to mail me privately if you want to!

All the best


Posted on: 19 February 2002 by Raphael
Hi there
A big thanks to everyone for their useful commments. I shall try re-arranging my room and see how the different positions can sound.
All the best