Systems We Are Haunted By

Posted by: Markus on 16 May 2002

Someone's comment about being haunted by the sound of a system he had heard long ago got me thinking--

What are the systems and demo's that stand out as something really special in your memory?

Here are some that stand out for me:

1. My first demo of an LP 12. From "normal" table to Axis to LP12 with Akito to LP 12 with Ittok. Then another demo from Ittok to Ekos was also dramatic. The Lingo/non-lingo dem was also clear.

2. A demo using Michell Gyrodec/Threshold pre/Threshold suitcase-size mono amps (at $10k/each) into Martin-Logan CLS II-Z speakers had a hologram of Ella Fitzgerald projected into the demo room and the two non-listener friends with me staring in stone amazement with their mouths open. Sorry that this was a "round-earth" experience but, well, it happened...

3. My first Nait/62/140 to 62/hicap/140. Just as amazing as the Linn demo. Amazed my brother, too.

Got any juicy memories worth sharing?

Posted on: 18 May 2002 by Cheese
A pair of majestic Wilson Benesch Bishop, driven by McIntosh amps and some CD player. Total harmony and I could live with it, unlike the "far more impressive" Martin Logan/Krell/Krell setup I heard at the same fair. Martin Logan is fun for 10 minutes.

Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Keith Tish
First time: just given GBP500 to buy a car so got a new stereo. Was adamant not to get a current 'best buy'. Wanted an Ariston TT and tried all the amps in the shop till eventually allowing the guy to substitute a Rega Planar 3. Suddenly everything was so right. Rega/Creek4140/Heybrook HB1. Damn it was good.
Most recent: Len Wallis Audio in Sydney. Krell Something25 CD into Krell Pre/massive f***ing monoblocks into Audio Physic Virgo's. Round earth but WOW. Bloody should be for $80000.
Most hopeful: My CD(Copland)/LP12 into Dynavector pre/power and Shahinian spkrs.
Posted on: 20 May 2002 by Alco
hmmm,..the first system that I'll never forget was at a friends house. It was about 8 years ago.

I listened to his Nait-2,Planar-3, Mission 760SE's on Target stands.
It was incredible what such a small and affordable system could do. (and still does!)
Ever since that day I tried to achieve the same level of musical enjoyment,and I think i succeeded pretty much. (though at a much higer cost)

Posted on: 20 May 2002 by John G.
Hey Paul,

Thanks for that! That dealer name rings a bell, I believe they use to advertise in the Flat Response. Sounds like they knew how to make a good sound.

So to finish this story what is your current configuration with your rig. I recall reading that your at Phase 7 with your LP12. Are you still using the 3 wall shelfs?
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Rico
There are many systems... a few springing to mind, in no particular order....

crazy craig's system circa 1986, wildly modded LP12 with FR12 and Koetsu Black, HFA (High Fidelity Audio) pre and power amps (a custom dual-mono power amp, one of only 2), Yamaha NS1000M's on custom-made stands (the whole hog - angle-iron, box-section uprights filled with lead-shot and motor oil. Listening to heavy rock made one feel like you were on the same raised stage as the drum kit. Wild. Cleartails from Shreikback's "care" album would almost punture one's diaphragm, not just move it.

Andy's system circa 1992? LP12 Ittok Valhalla, 62/hi/140 ES14's - made me enjoy listening to the Eagles (no mean feat) - the Live album was awesome. Having heard incremental upgrades along the Naim path opened my eyes.

Matthew Robinson's system, pre-135's (circa 2000?)- made me decide that SBL's were doubtless destined for our lounge.

Tony Lonrgan's system 135's/KanII's or Kan I's during 2000, in Liverpool - constant stupid grin on my face, loads of fun. Speed, agility, balance.

Joel's system - always great. Haunts in the way that raises its head whenever a lottery ticket is purchased.

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Philip Pang
Nait 2, CDi and a pair of SBLs in a dimly lit room, playing a female vocal which sounded eeriely real... and thereafter a fusion jazz tune which thumped and humped like there was no tomorrow. "All that from that little shoe box? You've got to be kidding...." - my first introduction to Naim, which has kept me to this day. cool

Good listening all, the music's still groovin'.


naimniac for life
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Anders
In 1976 or 1977 (I can't remember), I was exposed to the ultimate in HiFi of that time namely: Beveridge 2SW (the famous electrostatic speakers with built-in tube amplifiers), Spatial Cohorence (pre.amp) and LP12/Ittok/unknown cartridge playing Pink Floyd's "Money". This experience started me off on my HiFi journey.

Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Anders
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Dev B
LP12/Aro/Armageddon/52/6x135/Isobariks in 1994. Then CDS2/52/6x135/NBL in 2000. Both blew me away.
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by JosephR
For power, 3 pieces NAP500/52/DBLs/Linn LP12/ARO/Armageddon/Transfiguration Supreme/Prefix/Particular racks

For overall musicality/poise, 2 pieces NAP500/52/SBLs/CDS2/Roksan Xerxes/ARO/FM Acoustics Virus cartridge/Naim Fraims

For out of this world, Roksan Xerxes/ARO/FM Acoustics cart, Particular racks, full top-of-the-line FM Acoustics driving Genesis 1.1, active !
Posted on: 21 May 2002 by Mark Packer
Home of Quads Marketing manager, PT anniversary, Quad 44, 405.2 and ESL 63s. Since then everything has sounded boxy.

1985/6 on my way to a meeting I popped into a little Hi-Fi shop by Clapham Junction Station.

Townshend Rock II, Excalibur arm, Decca Gold? cartridge, EAR valve monoblocks and Decca Ribbon loudspeakers. I was transfixed. (I missed the meeting by an hour and a half!)

It took me 10 years but I finally got a Rock III TT.


Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Laurie Saunders
Back in `74....had a few Hendrix, Stones, Allman Bros Albums...had only ever heard them played on our Bush player (the equivalent of the "Dansette"...can`t remember the model number....I think it used valves)
Then one day my mate played some of my albums on his dad`s system....Thorens TD 160 (or 150?) SME S shaped arm with falling weight/thread bias, Shure V15, Goodmans amp(the small shoebox shaped one) and some quite hefty Goodmans speakers. All of a sudden...the power, the bandwidth, stereo imaging etc...I was totally mesmerised and utterly hooked. I swore that one day I would have to have a sound this good!(This system would probably sound dreadful today)
The other occaision when I was "startled" was when I first heard Isobariks driven by Naim amps...swore I`d have to get these, though at the time could not possibly ever believe I could afford them....I did though (still got the Isobariks) It only goes to show that incredible perforfance can become taken for granted after a short time
Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Alex S.

'I am still haunted by the linn stand at the Novotel last year, but for all the wrong reasons.'

Nice one; took the words right outta my mouth!

I asked a smarmsperson there why Linn never took an LP12 to shows any more and they replied 'what's an LP12?' I laughed at the Konris and walked out.


To be serious for a moment, I wouldn't change much in your set-up, but, as you well know, titanium and fibreglass and stuff are never far from my mind.

As for systems, the big Canaries and Living Voice OBXs really were the best I'd heard in a crappy hotel bedroom. Luckily, I'm not haunted by them.

Posted on: 22 May 2002 by Wolf
Twelve years ago I heard a friend's round earth system from the airforce days with matched tubes in a Macintosh? and with separate power for tweeters 150 w/channel for the base. sorry can't tell you more but the sound was 3D with horns here and voices there guitars left and right. Wow, blew me away.

But when it came time to buy a really good system just over a year ago I stumbled across Naim, smooth as silk, clear and beautiful, and haven't looked back. (Tho I could have bought his system since it's not used) I just love NAIM's flat earth sound and low key approach.