Finally... Back in Flat-Earth land

Posted by: Alco on 11 May 2002

Hi Y'all,

As some of you guys may know... about two months ago I got seduced by some round-earth brands and dealers from the likes of Sonus Faber and Cyrus.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long before regret came in and the word donkey was 'printed on my forhead' wink

I started to miss my old Linn Kan-II's and called the new owner to ask him if he still liked the Kan's. ...he did, only he got rid of the stands because he wanted to place them on a booksheld eek (poor little Kanny's)

So, make a long story short(er):
I visited my most flat-earth Naim dealer again yesterday and got me his last pair of Kan's.
The are a black pair of Kan 1's. (s/n 037130)
They're a demo pair,not s/h, so they must 've been in the store for more than about 13 or 14 years now eh ?! They're in mint condition, with the box and owners manual.

I (have to) use the Kan's on my heavy Sonus Faber stands. (25" high)
At this moment I notice they're sounding not as open and fast as the Kan-II's did. They sound a bit more 'laid-back'.
I like the open and fast sound of Kan's.
Now, I reckon the slower,more shut-in,laid back sound is due to the SF stands. (right ?)

So, I guess I'll better order me some Linn Kan-II stands right away now that they are still available!
(damn,these foolisch round-earth mistakes sure costed me a hell of a lot of money frown , but well, I consider it as a wise lesson)

So, last... I'm back in my beloved flat-earth land. (just need some new Kan stands)

O,btw: I spoke to my dealer about TT's an asked him about his preference. He very much DISLIKED the LP12,to my surprise! He thought an Axis or even a Revolver Rebel was a more musical TT!
He was glad to sell his last LP12 for a give away price just recently.
That seemed very weird to me,since most people on this forum are praising the beloved LP12.

well, see y'all,

Alco cool
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Rico
Welcome back Alco - it's been interesting to read your travel journal!

One man's meat etc.... but an Axis better than an LP12? Hmmm, I've never tried acid. eek

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Allan Probin

If you can't find a pair of Kan II stands on the 2nd-hand market they can still be bought new for around £150. I reckon you've probably got one of the best pairs of Kans on the planet there, just don't go covering them in that fake vinyl wrap frown

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Alco
Hi Allan,

I just ordered the Linn Kan stands. (at the same dealer I did last year) They'd sent 'em over to me as soon as they came in.

ABout 3 weeks ago the man I sold my previous Kans offered me to buy my old Kan stands back for only 70 euro (UKP 43,- a pair) but at that time I thought I'd keep the SF's. Bummer!!! frown
Now I have to pay four times that amount to get me the same stands.
But..I want the best for the Kans and the Kan stands are way better then some heavy pillar stands,imo.
I don't think I will cover my new Kans in vinyl wrap again. It's too fake and also left some marks when I pealed it of,to try another (cherry) vinyl wrap.

So, it's just a matter of time and I'm back in business! big grin

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Tony L
One man's meat etc.... but an Axis better than an LP12? Hmmm, I've never tried acid.

I have tried acid, and thats bollocks!


PS Alco, good to see you Kan'd up again. Whatever I do in the future speaker wise I'm not selling my pair!
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Phil Barry
Anyone who prefers an Axis to an LP12 is dealing with a very uncommon Axis, a very poorly set-up - or malfunctioning - LP12, or lousy ears.

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by kan man
Hi Alco

Welcome back to the fold. Just think of the last few months as a bad dream. Be assured that Kans will reward you with every upgrade you make upstream. Buy an LP12 with confidence, the Kans will happily show you why this is the TT of choice for most people here.

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Alco
Thanx Y'all,

I'd love to get me an LP12 but overhere in Holland they're hard to find. (especially s/h at dealers) and if they do show up they're way too expensive.
(I haven't seen one in Holland for less than 1360,- euro/ 870,- UKP!)

well, we'll see what comes on my way.
First get me some Kan stands.

Alco smile
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Onthlam

I have a pair of kans. I use them for the Dell.
I am not using the nice Kan1 stands. They are stored in the garage and would like a home. I can not find the spikes though that would be an easy fix.If you would like them e-mail me at
Only catch. You pay for the shipping. Shouldn't be much.

Marc Newman
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Alco
Thanx for your kind offer,Marc

What the difference between a Kan-1 and a Kan-2 stand ??
btw: I just ordered a new pair of Kan-II stands this morning.

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Theo

What happenend to the Audio Notes? Or did I miss something?

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Alco
Hi Theo,

Yeah,I guess you missed something.
(ehhh,..or did I forget something roll eyes big grin )

I brought the AudioNote's back to the store.
They sounded superb on my Nait-2. In some ways even better than Kans,but they were just too big and horrible looking for my small room.
If they could be placed against a wall I might have chosen for the AudioNote's but imho speakers that has to stand free in the room have to look good. (that's mainly why I choose the SF's)

Mark, You're right. I don't wanny risc any more changes,so I'll just go for some new Kan-II stands. (should be here in about 3 weeks)

Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Andrew Randle
Alco said:
If they could be placed against a wall I might have chosen for the AudioNote's but imho speakers that has to stand free in the room have to look good. (that's mainly why I choose the SF's)

In which case, Kans won't work in this configuration BUT Katan will. You can position Katans 4-8" away from the back wall. Katans are also a better loudspeaker than the Kans.


Andrew Randle
Currently in the "Linn Binn"
Posted on: 11 May 2002 by Martin Payne
Originally posted by Andrew Randle:
In which case, Kans won't work in this configuration


strweth, Andrew, you're a weirdo if you use Kans away from the wall.
