Music Works mains blocks - the dogs blocks - and just one lead. Wuff!

Posted by: Steve Toy on 11 July 2001

I have recently installed the six-way block from Music works into my CD5/FC2/Densen B200/300/Rega Naos system and it makes a big difference - more openness, transparency, and also bass slam. I have said in previous postings that I found that Music Works Blocks/leads don't work well with 5- series Naim. Larry, the guy who makes the Music Works blocks and leads even told me last year in October at the Chester show that this was the case, and that he didn't recommend them for use with the 5 series stuff. However, I have included my CD5/FC2 in the connections to the block, and I have EVEN dedicated the ONE M.W. lead I have to the CD5.
I'm not going to say why, at this stage, I have done so.
I'd be interested to hear from other Forum members as to why I now find this to be effective.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink

[This message was edited by Steven Toy on THURSDAY 12 July 2001 at 03:08.]

Posted on: 12 July 2001 by Tony L
I have recently installed the six-way block from Music works into my CD5/FC2/Densen B200/300/Rega Naos system and it makes a big difference - more openness, transparency, and also bass slam.

I like the MW stuff too, and have a six way Megablock and leads on my amp (my TT and CD unfortunately have captive leads). One thing I have noticed is that the plug position is quite significant to the sound, a fact I found quite disappointing as it is allegedly star wired in some way (I have not had a look inside so can't verify this). I have ended up with quite a weird plug order after trying every option, pre, power, CD, TT when reading from the end where the lead goes into the block. To my ears the preamp suffers the most when moved away from the prime position, followed by the 250 etc. I would be interested in other peoples take on this concept.

What is your long term view of the Densen B200 / 300 combo? I have only heard it once at a show, but was absolutely knocked out by it, it sounded like an amp that could compete well outside its price class.


Posted on: 12 July 2001 by Steve Toy
In terms of the order in which components are connected to the block, I have followed Densen's own advice and put the preamp plug in the nearest socket to the wall (you only get their full manual when you buy the GIZMO remote. The computer printout version supplied with the amps is a waste of space with its typing errors, poor English and entire paragraphs missing! But then that is what is so charming about a teeny-weeny company like Densen.)
As for the amps performance - yes they really are superb, and I won't change them for anything. Well, I might be persuaded to if someone "gave" me an '82 and a pair of 135s wink
The problem with them is they are really fussy where interconnects are concerned. The more you spend, the better they can sound. They really hate the Naim ones - sound gritty, exuberent, opaque and devoid of imaging. I think that's why people say they can sound analytical/mechanical. If you set them up correctly using Nordost Solar Wind interconnects or something further up the range, or Chord Anthem, they sound really emotive and oh-so-sweet, and quite involving.
I would therefore like my system to evolve along the following lines:
B340 Monoblocks - if Tomas ever gets around to making them!
Nordost Red Dawn interconnects.
NACA5 cables
QS Reference table(s)
I could be tempted to swap my Naos' for a pair of Ruark CL20s in this setup.

It's always a nice day for it, have a good one wink