Martin Logan and Naim
Posted by: ebirah on 18 September 2001
Following Novotel (and remembering that I am evangelical about my new Shahinian Arcs), does anyone have experience of Martin Logan speakers on the end of Naim kit? I was very, very impressed by the smaller Absolute Sounds demo (Logan Aeons and the 'bottom-line' [!] Krell integrated and CD). My logic is that I figure the Krells were less responsible for the stunning sound than the Logans because surely a Krell integrated and CD couldn't be that much better (if at all) than a CDI/82/hi/250? - Or does anyone here have a different tale to tell? Nevertheless, I'm interested in hearing the Aeons on the end of a Naim set-up. Anyone tried this - most likely with their predecessors, the Aerius 1s?
Regards, Steve