Upgrading Naim CD 3
Posted by: Reto D on 13 June 2001
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Stephen Bennett
What speakers are you using?
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Reto D
I'm using a Linn Kheilidh, but I'm also thinking
to switch to Proac speaker later.
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by woodface
It's probably not the speaker as they are a bit warm and whoolly but not harsh. I would sugest that it is probably you CD player as I find the 3 series CD players a bit rough and ready. I would look at either a CDX or look at something like a CDi or a CD2 2nd hand, this would allow you to trade the 102 for an 82 which is a more refined performer.
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Stephen Bennett
..it's not the speakers! Just wanted to see the system balance. Another qeustion: What did you upgrade from?
PS I have an Arcam Alpha/32.5/110/Intro IIs and this system is not harsh. I'll see what my repaired CD 3.5 sounds like when it gets back from naim!
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Reto D
My system consists of:
CD 3, NAC 102 with NAPSC, HI-CAP, NAP 250,
Linn Kheilidh.
I'm quite sure that a switch to CDX will improve
more than a bit. On the otherhand there's still
a bit of a doubt if I shouldn't first change the
speaker and then the CD Player. (Has anybody any
idea how much time it will take until there will
will be a new standard (DVD etc.) Maybe I should
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Stephen Bennett
..that upgrading your speakers may well accentuate the harshness in your system. If you want to get a speaker/new CD combo, I suggest you listen to the CD 5. Sure it's not a CDX, but it did sound noticablly smoother than my Arcam, especially with the flatcap 2. You may be happy with it if your CD 3 pleases you enough in other ways.
You need to visit a dealer & take your CD 3 with you.
I wouldnt worry about other formats just yet.
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Will_Dias
I have a similar setup to you: 3.5/fc, 102/napsc/180, Keilidh. I find this in no way harsh, but immediate and communicative. If anything, the speakers should be the least likely culprit, sounding somewhat mellower than some (but they shouldn't sound woolly, as some have described, I find them a great match with Naim electronics). Perhaps the bare 3 is being shown up by your amps, a fc helped my system considerably. I haven't heard a CDX on this setup, you should audition one at home to see what difference it makes. If I didn't have bairns to feed, I would try the CDX myself.
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by woodface
There is nothing wrong with keilidhs, I had a pair for over two years, but when compared to Sbl's which I have now they are warm and whoolly! I found them very room dependent and they didn't work in my new listening room when I moved house (they were either side of a chimney breast). Sbl's cure the problem and then some!
Posted on: 14 June 2001 by Steve Toy
Keilids - er, I think they lack midband delicacy and transparency. Female vocals in particular sound really bland. I wouldn't say they were woolly though. In terms of PR&T and bass drive they are actually rather good!