Secondhand Akito

Posted by: Top Cat on 05 February 2001

Hi folks.

How much should I look to raise for my secondhand Akito tonearm, now that I'm Aro'd??? It's in fine working order except for the black paint having flaked from the cartridge mounting holes - I'd apply some paint, but I'm reluctant to do this and pass it off as 'mint' since it's not.

Do you think it's reasonable to expect £100? £150? £50? I've no box, but the bearings are 100% (got them checked by the dealer at the time of removing the arm and fitting the Aro).

Just thought I'd ask...


Posted on: 05 February 2001 by Phil Barry
This has been here for a while, so I'll give you my experience, which is probably not valid today, buit it IS a data point for your reference...

About 4 years ago, I sold my Akito v. 1 with a bearing glitch for about $150-175 in the US. It replaced a Basik, and the buyer was very happy. My Linn dealer thought the price was fair.


Posted on: 06 February 2001 by Goose
John, it depends which Akito it is... The first version was cheaper than the current 'made in Glasgow version', for 500 pounds or so.

The original Akito should go for about 100 pounds plus, depending on age..I'd ask 120 and accept 100! The newer version I would ask 250...

Hope you're enjoying your Aro!


Posted on: 06 February 2001 by Top Cat
How would I know what version of the Akito I have? It looks the same as the Akito I used to have on my Linn Basik, way back.


Posted on: 06 February 2001 by Top Cat
...and (now that I'm home I've had a chance to check it) it's Japanese.

So, first offer of £120 secures an Akito with mint bearings and only some minor chipping of the paint around the mounting holes (nothing unusual, I was told by a dealer).

Any takers?


Posted on: 06 February 2001 by Michael Dale
My Akito cost £137 brand new in 1992. I still haven't got round to fitting it to my LP12 which has a basik plus on it. I agree that a price jump to £500 is taking the piss, I don't care where it's being made. Surely if it was so much better than the original Linn would have changed the name of it to avoid any confusion.

I think around the £100 mark is fair, John, if the bearing is okay. I'd love an Aro. You got a bargain there!

Mickey Dale