Build quality

Posted by: Nuno Baptista on 17 August 2002

I´m intersted in Exposure 2010 cdp but today I was reading What Hi-fi and it gives 3 stars to build quality and 5 stars to sound!Should I forget build and go for the sound or build is important and why?
Posted on: 17 August 2002 by Rico
I'm interested in hearing how happy you are post Naim CD-5 purchase! roll eyes

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 17 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
CD 5,Meridian 507 or even Júpiter are 1 000£ cd players!OK I know they are good value!
Posted on: 17 August 2002 by Tony L
Buy a record player!

Posted on: 17 August 2002 by Steve Toy
I have already been down that avenue with Nuno.

It would seem that vinyl records are as rare as rocking horse sh#t in Portugal.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 17 August 2002 by Tango

Please don't take those "stars" too seriously. The number of stars awarded in each category is just an individual's opinion. That's all it is.
Posted on: 17 August 2002 by Name
The comics have formed their opinion now it's time to form your own.
If you're going to place such importance on the stuff in the comics then I'm suprised your actually looking at the Exposure player at all, didn't the Arcam player take the best rating in that shoot out.
For what it's worth Hi Fi+ also reviewed the Exposure cd player and amps, giving a similar opinion....the somewhat unintegrated treble quality.
Get yourself an understanding dealer(I think he'll also need to be very patient... big grin ) and go and have a listen and a good look.
If you can't audition it be very careful buying something before listening to it is a recipe for disaster.
Well reviewed components may sound and look good to the reviewer but to you it could be very different.
It's all about system synergy...if individual components don't work well together it's an expensive exercise.
You can have a system comprising of all the highest star rated products which will sound like sh#t.
Synergy my dear son.
I'm sure most of us have been through this, you own something you see not get all the stars in it's review rating in the comics; but does it still stop your toes tapping and the fact you swear your the best air guitarist/bassist/drummer ever to walk the earth when you sit back and listen to your favourite music with a lovely glass of red in your hand.....
Posted on: 18 August 2002 by rch

Remember: It's just a CDP, not to a wife you'll have to marry! So would you please go for it?

Posted on: 18 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Exposure it´s a good cd player and I heard it in my sistem!It plays well but I´m a bit affraid to spend only 600£ in a cdp when my amplifier costs 800£.mAYBE LACKS REFINEMENT!I will try a S/H cd 3.5 or 5 I think!
You says:
"Your dealer should be patient "Or should I be patient ?My dealer don´t like Naim cd 5!For some reason he wants to sell me another cdp!He dem a Maestro,too!He argues that a Exposure 2010 it´s fine for my Nait!
Posted on: 18 August 2002 by Phil Barry
One last time...

Nuno, Use your ears. Buy what you like and can afford. Stop reading magazines. Stop listening to dealers. Stop using reason.

A CD player should be about music and emotion - and if you choose one on the basis of anything but music and emotion and affordability, you will be unhappy. AND ONLY YOU KNOW YOUR MUSICAL, EMOTIONAL, ANd AFFORDABILITY EVALUATIONS of a component.

By the way, I'd recommend that you reduce your exclamation point usage by 90%. (Or are exclamation points a big part of written Portuguese?)


Posted on: 18 August 2002 by Andrew Randle
but I´m a bit affraid to spend only 600£ in a cdp when my amplifier costs 800£

Well buy a CDX, or an Exposure 22, or an Ikemi.


Andrew Randle
Tip 1: Change your mains plug fuses at least once a year
Posted on: 18 August 2002 by plynnplynn
[QUOTE]Stop reading magazines. Stop listening to dealers. Stop using reason. /QUOTE]

In your case Nuno I think this is good advice. Stop thinking and buy a s/h CD3.5. If you don't like it you can sell it for very little loss. But you will like it.

Posted on: 18 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Yes I know ! But I think that affordability is a dangerous way path!Exposure 2010 at the mediun long run can be a disaster!S/H cd 3.5 seems fine for me!
Posted on: 18 August 2002 by Phil Barry
My limit has been reached.

Nuno whines: 'Yes I know ! But I think that affordability is a dangerous way path!Exposure 2010 at the mediun long run can be a disaster!'

I respond:


Eric Berne, founder of Transactional Analysis, described a game called 'Yes, but'. In this game, the protagonist asks for advice, and says, 'Yes, but...' to every piece of advice s/he receives.

You've had far more advice than anyone has a right to expect, and to every helpful comment, you say, 'Yes, but...'. STOP PLAYING GAMES, Nuno!

Go away for now. Come back when you've decided to get out of games.

Posted on: 18 August 2002 by Steve Toy
Nuno doesn't get upset that easily. If he did, he attempted to seek solace in his music collection and it failed with his NAD CD player...

Nuno goes round in circles, that is Nuno. I assure you that he's no troll, he is genuinely irritating, just like me! wink

Trusting your ears during a quick-fire dem is not as easy as it seems.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Jean-Marc

In your case Nuno I think this is good advice. Stop thinking and buy a s/h CD3.5. If you don't like it you can sell it for very little loss. But you will like it.

Nuno, as I've said, my CD3.5 (what do you think of the photos by the way?) is ready to ship. wink
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Mick P

I hope that you are learning from this thread, indecisiveness can be bloody irrataing.

The daft thing is that the man could buy a second hand CD3.5, run it for a couple of months and probably sell it at break even. But will he......NO.....because he is indecisive. Such people are a total irratation and can you imagine how a dealer must feel when he walks into their shop.


Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
The subject of my post was build quality.
Mike says:"Such people are a total irratation and can you imagine how a dealer must feel when he walks into their shop"My dealer don´t work with Naim .He´s the guy who wants to sell Exposure and make people go around circles!
I heard Naim CD 5,it has lots of rythm .Ok Phill It was a mistake but a months ago I want a Planet and now I see it was wrong,it´s better to save my money !I want a cdx but I can´t afford it, so go for a cd 5 .I think it was your advice!
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
Yes Jean marc i´ve seen the photos!it seems in mint condition your cdp!Just one question:I´d never heard a cd 3.5 just cd 5!Is it the sound similar or has many differences?
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Steve Toy
I had a QS Ref rack, and I was considering swapping it for a Mana one.

I then changed my mind. I still have the QS Ref to this day, my system sounds great, and I'm happy.

So how am I indecisive?

Nuno, otoh, just goes round and round and round in circles!

Nuno, you'll like the CD 3.5 - it's still better than the Exposure 2010, but you will be rewarded for your patience and not your indecision...



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Jean-Marc
what do your heart tell you?
I can't substitute for your ears, all I can say is that you will like the CD3.5 very much

Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Andrew Randle

This is what you really need:


Andrew Randle
Tip 1: Change your mains plug fuses at least once a year
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Steve Toy
That's Nuno's old forum.

He used to post there under the nom-de-plume of Celeron 333.



Let your ears do the talking, let your remote control do the walking...
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Peter Stockwell
new name ...

same ole Nuño.

Forget the money buy the CD5. Do it the Parry way, Naim is all.

Posted on: 19 August 2002 by Nuno Baptista
I want a "Naim sound".It makes sense.Adding a Naim cd player it´s the obvious answer wink
Posted on: 19 August 2002 by rch
Originally posted by Phil Barry:
My limit has been reached.

Eric Berne, founder of Transactional Analysis, described a game called 'Yes, but'. In this game, the protagonist asks for advice, and says, 'Yes, but...' to every piece of advice s/he receives.



Great post!!
Carl Rogers, the founder of Client Centered Psychotherapy would have said:
"Your limit has been reached."

Carl Rogers would have said:
"You like the CD5"
"You like the Jupiter"
"You like the Rega"
"You like the CD5"
Perhaps in a near future you would reach that point to say:
"I can't decide..."
