Nait 3 vs Nait 2

Posted by: Lars on 04 March 2002

I just sold my nait 3 after having heard (and bought a nice nait 2). The nait 3 was from 1994 and the nait 2 is from 1989. I've used both with the LP12 and CD2 with Kan II and Accoustic Energy speakers.

My conclusion is that the nait 3 is more powerful with more bass, but that the nait 2 is more in control of the music (even if less powerful. The nait 2 sounds faster (probably due to less bass and better control). I guess that the sound produced by the nait 3 is initially more impressive, but in the long run I certainly prefer the nait 2.

Have anyone else compared these (nait2/3) or other naits?



PS. I wounder what a recap would do to the nait 2.

It Kan be done!

Posted on: 04 March 2002 by J.N.
I found the '3' to be ballsy and fast but somewhat dry and two-dimensional.

The '2' sounds like a cut down version of the big stuff. One of the reasons I sold mine was channel imbalance at low levels on CD, due to the relatively poor quality pot.

Wonderful sound though.


Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Lars
The pot really sucks. I once had a Nac 12 where I replaced the standard pot with a good ALPS pot. It cost me about 20-25 pounds, but what a difference! I've had a look inside and I will probably change the pot to something better. Any suggestions?

It Kan be done!

Posted on: 05 March 2002 by Andreas Nystroem
Damn the nait2 is good. I just picked one up today and although I have had one before it just amazes me. even with my cd-walkman it just makes me wonder, can it really get much better then this? The answer is: for the price definitely not!!
Posted on: 06 March 2002 by Lars

Didn't you have an add on a nait 2 (old style) on Hifimagasinet a couple of months ago?


It Kan be done!

Posted on: 06 March 2002 by Lightkeeper
Hi Lars !

Nait 2 is more musical than all other Naits including Nait 5. The reason is very easy to understand, almost anything goes mainstream.
You all must know that Nait 2 is made when Guy Lamotte was still in Naim. After his leaving, it was evidentally that some new Naim projects are more on the Mickey Mouse business.


Posted on: 06 March 2002 by Andreas Nystroem
Hi Lars

Yes i certainly did, selling that nait has to be one of the stupidest things i've ever done. Well you live and learn, i'm never selling this one!!


Posted on: 06 March 2002 by Lars

Is it you nait in the picture or do you have a new style. I bought a new style nait 2 in absolute mint condition. It looked like it came directly from the factory.

Does anyone know if there are any other differences between the old style and the new style nait 2, besides the cosmetic changes?

How's the nait 2 doing compared to the nait 1?


It Kan be done!

Posted on: 06 March 2002 by Andreas Nystroem
it's not mine in the picture but it is an old style, as was the previous one I had. It seems it is harder to find new-style nait2's for sale. I don't really care as I like the old-style cases. Now if I could just find a nice pair of kans.......:)
