Worst System Ever

Posted by: Chris Bell on 14 April 2001

For the past several weeks I have been shopping for hi-fi/home theater for my folks and I have had the chance to hear some "alternate" systems at the local hi-fi salons here in Seattle. Some expensive and some priced within the 5 series. Again and again, my CD3/Nait 2 in my office was better in every way. Gear costing 50 and 60 thousand dollars (with $10,000.00 speaker cable) was totally out of tune. Even a CD12 could not help an entry level Linn system. Am I such a Naim zealot that I can't accept other gear?--maybe.

Never-the-less, I am curious: What is the worst system you have ever heard? My vote goes to a pair of Wilson Grand Slams driven by a bunch of Spectral gear. This system was so bad, I walked out after a 2 minute listen. The salesman really didn't mind, as he was a Naim owner as well. He said: "your either going to love this or hate it." Well I hated it and since then I am astonished how bad other so called "reference" systems sound. The one thing they have in common is they cannot play in tune. No music, just boring lifeless sound. So go ahead, dish some dirt. I want to hear your horror stories.

Chris Bell
Busy convincing folks to go with the 5 series gear.ˇ

Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Martin Payne
Well, I have heard one demo of the WATT/Puppy (V5 I think) which I would put up as a contender for the 'best sound I've heard' (£50K system at Penta 3-4 years ago?)

I find it hard to pick an absolutely worst-ever system, but the Novotel demos in the last two years of the evolved System 6 have come pretty close!!

Where did things go wrong???

cheers, Martin

Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Don Atkinson
Probably in the furnishings of THAT room in the Nova Hotel in '99.

I thought they sounded slightly better in '00, when the palm trees had been removed. But not nearly so good as at the Penta Heathrow in 98, when I heard the Krell/Wilson V for the first time by pure chance (having nipped into the 'all ticket' dem to claim an unoccupied seat and while away half an hour before going home) and was only disappointed by the astronomical price of each bit including those 'transparent' cables.

So it might have something to do with the System 6 or it might be the CAST system in the Krell or (the Royal) we might just be getting more critical of very good kit that we can't afford big grin



Posted on: 17 April 2001 by Andrew Randle
Phil Barry said:
I'd pay someone not to have to listen to Bose speakers.

Phil, old boy...


Andrew Randle
2B || !2B;
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Posted on: 17 April 2001 by dave simpson
Hi Jason,

"I think the majority of the HiFi press (and most of the HiFi buying public) are simply listening for something different to thee and me."

The ironic part is guys who are suppossed to be the Experts and/or our " Guides of Hi-Fi" promote absolute crap boxes that can't play a tune AND they own the very same pieces of garbage they promote. Surely they aren't deaf....there must be a hidden agenda !

BTW.... you're ok in my book wink



Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Cheese

I've finally found out in which company Dilbert works: regarding the looks of a robot, it must be M*** L******* !! razz


[This message was edited by Bernard on WEDNESDAY 18 April 2001 at 12:35.]

Posted on: 18 April 2001 by dave simpson
In all fairness it's been some three years since I last heard a ML or Krell rig ...maybe they've improved? I agree with you 100 percent regarding set-up of those rigs. They benefit from our "flat-earth" techniques sometimes in startling fashion. However I still have yet to hear one that offered the involvement of say a Planer 2, NAD 3020A and Boston Acoustics A40 speaker set-up (for the puzzled a $750.00 starter hi-fi I use to sell about twenty years ago).

Hmmm..... haven't heard the series 5/500 group yet but your comments scare me into wondering if Naim are trading (balancing?) "involvement" for "color" (color....the achillie's heel of the Naim sound?).



Posted on: 18 April 2001 by Chris Bell

No the 500 does not sell out on the virtues of Naim Audio rather it takes listening to a whole new level of involvement and tunefullness. Its a shockingly good amp which exposes the full potential of the CDS/52 source.

It should be considered in its price range.

Chris Belll

Posted on: 19 April 2001 by dave simpson
So Chris,

Where are we with the behemoth's bloom ?



....drools at the mere thought of either a 52 or 500.....