Sonus Faber Cremona

Posted by: david r on 25 September 2002

Anybody heard these. I have CDSII, 52, 135's and Electa Amator II's.

Thinking of upgrading and was thinking of either the Cremona or Guarneri Any comments?
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Michel
Yes I've heard them!
I have also Electa Amator 11's and I am planning to upgrade them to Cremona's...
It's a whole different speaker. Compared to the Electa Amator's the have much more bass and a deeper sound. More the B&W sound so to speak but much more refined. I dont like the Guarneri because I think they lack bass. There is also a Cremona coming to replace the Electa Amator 11,
The are called Cremona Auditor but I dont hear them yet...

See my profile for system set up, and I dont use Naca 5 (bad sounding with Sonus Fabers.)
The cremona's are also not for biwire anymore, like all new SF's

Greetzzz, Michel
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Dev B
Hi David,

I've got a similar system to you and would like, if at all possible, to hear your SF's (speakers that I have always liked). I'll promise a return match at mine too if you are up for it.


Posted on: 25 September 2002 by david r
Originally posted by Michel:
There is also a Cremona coming to replace the Electa Amator 11,

The are called Cremona Auditor but I dont hear them yet...

See my profile for system set up, and I dont use Naca 5 (bad sounding with Sonus Fabers.)

Greetzzz, Michel

[This message was edited by david r on WEDNESDAY 25 September 2002 at 15:18.]

Hi there do you know when the Cremona Amator?and what cable do you use?

[This message was edited by david r on WEDNESDAY 25 September 2002 at 15:20.]
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by david r
Originally posted by Dev B:
Hi David,

I've got a similar system to you and would like, if at all possible, to hear your SF's (speakers that I have always liked). I'll promise a return match at mine too if you are up for it.



Hi Dev,
Sorry I live in Stockholm so it would be difficult. I love the speakers though and strongly recommend them

[This message was edited by david r on WEDNESDAY 25 September 2002 at 15:30.]
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Michel
As first the new Amator Electa's are called Cremona Auditor!
I am using Cardas Quadlink 5c cables. It is a shame to feed the SF with ordinary Naim cables. The Naim cables are bad sounding anyway...
Greetzzz, Michel
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Michel
New Sonus Fabers are coming at the end of the year....
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Michel
For picture Cremona auditor:
(scroll down a bit...)
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by david r
Many thanks all - one final question are the Cremonas more or less sensitive than the EA II's?
Posted on: 25 September 2002 by Rico
sounds like a bloody breakast cereal. roll eyes

Rico - SM/Mullet Audio
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Philip Pang
I had the Amator 2s at the end of 52/135s/CDS2 for some time, and they were beautifully voiced in that system, with enough grunt (Sheffield Drums at 2 oclock) and fine finesse at the other extreme. They were used with their dedicated adjustable walnut/steel stands, and didn't break up even at that level, the bass radiators really huffing and puffing under the grip of the 135s. However in hindsight I do think that would have been the limit for both the speakers and amps.

You'll need space for any mid to high-end Sonus Faber speaker in order for them to breathe properly, and given that, they're remarkably naturally sounding speakers.

Michel, thanks for the pictures of the Amator replacement - very nice, and worth an auditions, just on looks alone, I must say!

However, you said >> "See my profile for system set up, and I dont use Naca 5 (bad sounding with Sonus Fabers.). & "It is a shame to feed the SF with ordinary Naim cables. The Naim cables are bad sounding anyway..."

Comments like these only add to the wrong impressions of Naim cables, and influence users to try otherwise, often to detrimental results. It's subjective as usual and to each his own. But there could be nothing further from the truth where the above comments are concerned, and I feel the record should be set straight.

To those of us who've been playing with Naim equipment long enough, Naim cables look ordinary, but we know they are anything but that. There's a myth out there about the Naca 5s adding treble zing and sounding less than refined, which will only be true IF they aren't properly run in (takes minimum 6 months from new; constant play, IMO), or properly soldered in the first place, or properly positioned. (Yes, cable "set-up" of the Naca 5 can make or break the sound). You will also have to look at your system set-up carefully, your equipment support tables, dedicated power lines, and room acoustics FIRST, before you pin the blame on the cables.

I had everything I wanted from my Amator 2s using a full Naim system, with dedicated Naim cable, including the Naca 5s (wouldn't have had it cabled any other way.) And thus cabled, the sonics including sweet, clean, and clear treble but without the inaccurate reticence often associated with good treble quality, a beautifully projected mid-range and bass that grunted with authority in a very coherent, and altogether rhythmic package. Substitute any other cable into the Naim system, and you could gain some, but you'd also very probably lose out alot of the rest. For the price/performance ratio, the Naca 5s in a Naim system are true understated gems. But they are stiff, ugly looking bastards, no doubt...:D

Only thing was, after a while, my room proved too small for them (9ft x 11ft), and I had to return to the trusty SBLs eventually... much to added delight... hmmm:D

David, the Guarneris are the most beautiful speakers in the world, again my opinion, and they would fit nicely with the system, except that you'd have to adjust quite a bit to the perspectives of the sonics, which in this case cannot offer deeper bass. I'm sure you're aware they are definitely not for rock or head-banging music, which will go against what most of us Naim devotees are used to: listening to the music really loud when the occasion demands it. But while the Guarneri bass is lighter, it is tuneful, with enough PRT, but only on a smaller scale, without sufficient weight. Other than that, they are wonderfully pitched in tonality terms, and sound pristine. I would love to own a pair, just to look at them...

Omer, I would caution 135s with the Extremas : the Italian bull dogs are very low impedance speakers, and while the Monos are no slouches in current delivery, I still think you'll need more juice to really make them sing. Heard them at the end of mighty Krells before, and still didn't do it for me generally. Maybe a 500 would be the only way to go with these.

Good listening all, the music's still groovin'.



naimniac for life

[This message was edited by Philip Pang on FRIDAY 27 September 2002 at 05:38.]
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by Philip Pang
Double post.
Posted on: 26 September 2002 by david r
Many thanks Philip. I agree with your post and with your comments regarding the EA's and the cable. Most important of course is the positioning of the speakers and they are greedy in the sense that they take up a lot of space in the room at least 4ft from the rear and 2ft from the side IMO. I am surprised that there is not more talk about positioning of speakers as this can totally alter the sound especially the bottom end with even small alterations. I have a very large living room and they are in one part, which is 16 x 12, but the entire space is 3 times that. They defintely need space to breathe. I think the Guarneris would frustrate me ultimately with the lack of depth.

Hence the question about the Cremona. I love my set up I just wonder if it would sound even better and I suspect it would
Posted on: 27 September 2002 by Philip Pang
David, try them in your system, if possible. It's the only way.

Good listening, the music's still groovin'.



naimniac for life
Posted on: 27 September 2002 by david r
I would love to try them but I live in Stockholm and there are no Cremona's here!
Posted on: 30 September 2002 by david r
What a fabulous tip - thanks. But no Cremona - as yet

CDSII, 52, 135's and SF Electa Amator II's