3.5 vs 5

Posted by: Lightkeeper on 24 April 2002

Hi all !

What is better Cd 3.5 or 5 and in what areas?


Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Mike Hanson
I think the CD5 is better than the CD3.5, in pretty much all areas. The only way I could see someone liking the 3.5 more, is that it doesn't have as much of that "hi-fi" quality (a.k.a. timbre, texture, air, soundstage, etc.). If you really hate this aspect, then you might bemoan the CD5's ability to deliver it. Or if you find that the extra dollop of "Round Earth" makes the PRaT seem less (in relative terms), then you may also dislike the CD5.

However, I think that's mostly a matter of coditioning. Once you've listened to the CD5 for a while, you would have a really hard time going back to the 3.5.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-
Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Lightkeeper
Thanks Mike!

I have never had a chance to hear 3.5, but 5 yes and I like it very much. I am waiting my 5 to come to my house next week. Yes and I like more let's say audiophile components like, space, timbre, stage etc. rather than PRT, because all Naim electronics have a lot of that and not all have those finesse. That's from my point of view.
I think that CD 5 is much better than any other series 5 product, but I don't know how sound any component of series 3, which is on the other side well known as a good gear, so I just want some answer from people who knows to tell me the difference.
Anyway, thanks for comments.

Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Bosh
I would have thought the question to be somewhat irrelevant. (I too am considering a CD upgrade from an early Arcam Alpha for my 2nd system). The CD3.5 is only available 2nd hand for c.£400 and the CD5 being a new(ish) product is only available new at over £1100. At this price I would rather spend a few hundred more and get a 2nd hand CDX.
Posted on: 25 April 2002 by Dr. Exotica
The CD3.5 is only available 2nd hand for c.£400 and the CD5 being a new(ish) product is only available new at over £1100. At this price I would rather spend a few hundred more and get a 2nd hand CDX.

Hmmm. This is not quite what I've observed. In the UK, I've seen 3 CD3-5's go for a mean price of £650, 3 CD5's go for a mean of £865, and 8 CDX's go for £1650 (more details in Swank Guide, follow the links, etc.). Observed prices in North America are 15-20% higher for the CD3-5 and CD5, but the same for the CDX. I can not explain this - i.e., why the CDX price is the same, while the others differ by a non-trivial amount.
