hypothetical questions

Posted by: Mike Cole on 15 August 2001

1. Would a Nait3 with flatcap sound better than a NAC72 (plugged into the amp section of the Nait3)?

2. Would a 32.5 with 72 boards sound better than a 72 (again with the amp section of a Nait3)?

3. Would a 72 with flatcap sound any different than a 72 without a flatcap?

Just wondering.


Posted on: 15 August 2001 by Phil Barry
1. I find the bare 72 (without a PSU) to be grating when playing normal sources (though it's great with great sources), so I'd choose the Nait.

2. See 1, above.

3. You bet. Here's how to tell. Have your dealer play the 72 for a few minutes; then add a flatcap and play for a few minutes; then remove the flatcap and play for an instant. If you don't hear a difference, you'll save a lot of money.

4. Used hicaps are cheaper than new flatcaps, and much better sounding.

