My new HiCap + A few questions ??

Posted by: markjp on 10 February 2002

I picked up my new HiCap on Thursday. Wow ! what a transformation to my system. Straight out the box there seemed to be more of everything. The soundstage was better, more seperation, greater depth. The most noteable thing was more bass, more controlled and a lot deeper. The treble which had previously been a bit forward was much more balanced within the whole sound. I now see why you guys call the addition of a HiCap a "No Brainer"

I have a few questions:-

1. How long will it take to fully run in the HiCap. It has been powered up for 3 days now, will there be any more improvements in the sound

2. Do you need to run a signal through the Hicap to run in or does it just have to be switched on.

3. When I connected up the HiCap I felt the volume was slightly less than without, so I turned volume up slightly. Is this to be expected and if so why?



[This message was edited by markjp on SUNDAY 10 February 2002 at 20:56.]

Posted on: 11 February 2002 by Willy
Hi Mark

[QUOTE]Originally posted by markjp:

1. How long will it take to fully run in the HiCap. It has been powered up for 3 days now, will there be any more improvements in the sound

I installed a new Supercap on Christmas eve and it's still running in. Was crap yesterday and suddenly burst into life this morning. Goes through a number of these itterations before settling down. Recapped 250 couple of years back took about 3 months to settle down. This would align with the 5-6 weeks mostly quoted as I work away frm home about half the time.

2. Do you need to run a signal through the Hicap to run in or does it just have to be switched on.

I would suggest it does need to be used to run in. This is backed up by it taking twice as long for my kit which is only used half the time.

3. When I connected up the HiCap I felt the volume was slightly less than without, so I turned volume up slightly. Is this to be expected and if so why?

Agree with previous comment that an improved system can be played louder. Also think there is an effect thet until the kit is run in it sounds less dynamic, compressed etc. I find that as it runs in I start to back the volume off again to "normal". Except of course when I'm pissed and playing live Deep Purple at 2am!

