blind listening...

Posted by: ken c on 30 June 2001

blind listening has no place in auditioning hifi. discuss.

and enjoy


Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Mike Hanson
But blind testing is the only indisputable way to get the truth. And no one should feel any unease for “failing”.

The problem with any "test" is that we go into analysis/critique mode, which is not necessarily the same as our musical listening pleasure mode. In these altered states, we may rate different aspects of the performance in different ways.

For example, when I'm being analytical, it's hard not to focus on aspects like bass response. However, the sound of the bass has little to do with whether the music moves me (which is more of a PRaT thing). It takes a concerted effort to relax and "feel", then to measure the level that feeling in some semi-objective fashion.

That's why extended demos are good. If you find that you're spending more time in front of the stereo, and you're really enjoying the tunes, then it's probably (hopefully) a good upgrade. Besides, we're talking stereos here. They aren't going to kill you if they're not within spec. They're simply devices to give us pleasure, and the amount of that pleasure is the only useful determinant.

As many here on this forum know, my favourite motto is "For all practical purposes, reality doesn't apply; only perception matters". This is especially true in this situation.

-=> Mike Hanson <=-