I used to own R2.5s, driven by a 32.5 (later 82)/Hicap/250, fronted by a LP12/Lingo/Ekos/Karma and a CD2. It sounded bloody fantastic and played music very well. Caveats: The 2.5s need a large room and to be set out at least 3 feet from the back wall--mine were about 4.5 feet out. Too close to the wall and the bass gets thick, slow, and boomy. Second, a 250 is about minimum--the speaker responds well to grip, which the 250 has in abundance over the 180, 140 etc. I was able to try 135s, which were another notable step forward, although changing the 32.5 for an 82 was an even larger jump.
Comparisons: Well, I now use SBLs, which do not have the lush, warm balance of the 2.5 (which I miss sometimes)but counter with a tauter, faster and more tuneful presentation. Have not heard the Allaes yet, but it from other descriptions it sounds like it is in between the 2.5 and the SBL. The SBL is one of those uncompromising designs where I don't think anything is better at what the SBL does well. Once you "get" the SBL everything else (OK--save the NBL/DBL) sounds not quite right.
In the right room, with the right level of system, 2.5s sound great. If they sound slow, bloated etc then either the room or the system or both are wrong for the speaker.