My next upgrade?
Posted by: markcas on 21 January 2002
Current: CD2
shahinian Arc
should I go for CDX & Supercap and maybe an XPS,
or should I just go for a CDS11.
Any advise would be great.
what is the final system you are aiming at? This will certainly determine the way to go. Also important: are second hand buys an option for you? I'd say change the player first(CDX plus XPS, perhaps in two stages, then the CDS2).
I had the same system as you once before! And it sounded great. I went for a supercap next, which was an amazing upgrade...
There is alot of 'source first' advice on the forum, which is good upto a point, but I think that alot of the Naim CD players are good enough (when set up corectly)to allow the amps to be a bit more ruthless!!!
Depending on the type of sound you want 'more' or 'less' of then try..
1) Supercap
2) (more adventurous for a different slant), try the DV HX75 ( see other thread)
3) New CD..
Certainly, if you get a demo, have a listen to what that would do to the system.
All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of any organisations I work for, except where this is stated explicitly.
If you think that the speakers have a disctinctive character that you love most about your system then there may be mileage in improving the power amp side first.
If the system is showing weaknesses elsewhere can you describe what they are? This may help identifying what to do next.It may be the nature of the 82 or the CD in particular.
I always thought an upgrade just made things 'better' but it never seems to be quite as simple as that.
I suspect another angle on this is the mains supply and system supports angle which nobody else has mentioned. They make big differences, not least at getting the utmost value from what you already have.
Thanks again,