Error in Supercap's labelling in the Owner's manual ?

Posted by: JosephR on 11 January 2002

I was connecting my Prefix to a Supercap, and the instructions were to plug in into Socket 2 of the Supercap. At the back of the Supercap, the socket numbers are printed, and Socket 2 is below Socket 1 (which has a black cap over it). So I made the connection accordingly into Socket 2. It worked great.

I then read the manual (I know I should have read it first smile), and saw that Socket 2 was shown as above Socket 1. So I switched sockets, no sound -I then connected the Prefix back to Socket 2 as labelled at the back of the Supercap.

I've got 2 Supercaps (made in 1996), and both have the same labelling behind. Was a switch done between the sockets after 1996 ? Or is it a documentation error ?

Posted on: 11 January 2002 by David Dever
This is either a documentation or labelling error, depending on perspective (known problem, has since been changed).

IMHO numbering or lettering of sockets is not as useful as conceptual labelling, i.e., "OUTPUTS" or "AUX SUPPLY".

We've had a similar problem explaining the labelling on the rear of the FLATCAP 2...

Dave Dever