being supportive

Posted by: alan metcalf on 17 September 2001

Has anyone out there tried a support by a company called iso blue?
I am desperate for some racking but dont know where to go!
Posted on: 17 September 2001 by Scott Mckenzie
Sorry, I can't say that I have, I will however highly recommend Quadraspire ( if you are looking for something good quality and at a reasonable price. I assume that as you are on this forum, you have got some Naim equipment, in my experience (albeit limited) the rack seems to suit the Naim sound very well..

I am sure others with more experience will give a more detailed (and probably contradictory) reply but that is my 10p's worth..


Posted on: 17 September 2001 by ken c
i have the Isoblue rack -4 tier -- in cherry. it supports my cdsii, 52, nat02/prefix's hicap, snaxo in that order. i found it better that the old QS. however, its only rigid front-back, and not left-right. i asked Isoblue whether this was design or a fault, and am still waiting for a reply. a bit pissed off.

i have a right royal mixture of racks -- i am actually looking to rationalise one of these days. meantime, i have a lot of music to enjoy
