A Naim turntable perhaps???

Posted by: Steve Toy on 30 May 2002

Could be called the Naim NaTT1.

A non-suspended design - similar to that by Rega, with the Aro tonearm as standard, but a cueing device would be a bonus as my paws do get a bit wobbly from time to time, and I am surely not alone here. red face

Retail price could be around 3k with the arm?

This question may have been asked before, but I can't be bothered to do a search.



The proof of the pudding...
Posted on: 30 May 2002 by Jez Quigley
Would that be pronounced 'Natty' ?
Posted on: 30 May 2002 by JohanR
I also would like a Maim Nicam TV-tuner. Of course upgradable with Hi-Cap and S-cap.

Johan R
Posted on: 30 May 2002 by Chris Metcalfe
"A non-suspended design - similar to that by Rega, with the Aro tonearm as standard".

The Listener (or was it Stereophile) review of the original P9 tried an Aro on it, and said it simply didn't work. The Aro was designed for the LP12, as was the Armageddon, and LP12s are available for peanuts - why bother with a new one? Who would buy it, given not much return on the LP12?

Anyway, I'm sure Naim are looking to the future...
Posted on: 30 May 2002 by redeye
I'm certainly looking forward to the DVD player smile
Posted on: 31 May 2002 by Arye_Gur
Chris Metcalfe says
Anyway, I'm sure Naim are looking to the future...

Wrong sentence, should be in this thread -

Anyway, I'm sure Naim are looking back to the future...

Posted on: 31 May 2002 by Bruce Woodhouse
Whilst we are on the subject of a Naim wish-list I reckon what I would most like to see is 'trickle-down' of the NAP 500 technology to a 250ish level amp.

Isn't it also about time that Naim produced a quality standmount/bookshelf speaker? Perhaps too congested marketplace.

Posted on: 31 May 2002 by Don
How about an all-in-1 player that does CD, SACD stereo and multi-channel, and both DVD-A and DVD-V!
Posted on: 31 May 2002 by jpk73
Yes please!! With an upgrade offer for CDS-owners:

wink £2500 - upgrade from original CDS1
wink £2000 - upgrade from CDS2
wink £1500 - upgrade from rebuilt CDS1 (CDS2)
wink £ 300 - additional cost for new-style case

(upgrade does not include Flash-RC)

Thanks a lot,

[This message was edited by Jun Keller on FRIDAY 31 May 2002 at 22:18.]
Posted on: 31 May 2002 by sonofcolin
"Isn't it also about time that Naim produced a quality standmount/bookshelf speaker?"


Yes, yes, yeeeeees!
Posted on: 31 May 2002 by Charlezz
"£2000- upgrade from CDS2"
Isn't it expensive enough?????
If I could buy a cds2, I would stick with it all my life and buy hundreds and hundreds of cd's!!!!!

Posted on: 31 May 2002 by Greg Beatty
This came up (repeatedly) on the former forum and I recall Julian saying something along the lines of, "There will never be a turntable from Naim" or words to that effect.

Times move on, as he has (sadly), but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Rumor has it that an Aro on an LP12 sounds bloody marvelous.

- GregB

Insert Witty Signature Line Here
Posted on: 01 June 2002 by JeremyB

Which article are you referring to? Seems like the local Tower here has stopped carrying British hi-fi mags...

Posted on: 04 June 2002 by MarkEJ
... but it is very unlikely to happen now. One of those "if only, but almost" things like the Naim cassette deck which got to about 6 months away from introduction.

IMHO there have been two turntables over the years which have a very "Naimish" approach in their design.

1. The original Roksan Xerxes; NOT conventionally suspended, but using a multi-layer plinth, and a very cleverly cut piece of MDF for the top plate effectively meant that this design hinged (almost literally) on a single large leaf spring, albeit damped and constrained virtually to the point of a Rega with rubber feet. Amazing lateral thinking, fabulously minimal industrial design and reputedly a heaven-sent match with the ARO. Currently evolved to the TMS II model (for pots of money) which still uses the same principles but has gained "ego" in the form of (IMHO) overkill in the piano lacquer and chrome department.

Should be a market for an all-matt "Stealth" ("Wealth"?) model for less money...

2. The Phonosophie P3; this is a rebuilt Thorens, with (reputedly) a Naim-designed power supply (both speeds) and really clever self-centering leaf springs for the suspension.

This is available with ARO pre-fitted (the Thorens arm is an alternative), and is in many ways the closest thing which will ever exist (probably!) to a Naim turntable, in terms of its overall "religion". JV had one, and both Ashley Charles and (IIRC) Dev B either had or have one currently. Naturally, it too looked wonderful:

Just needs the logo, really...



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