Hi everyone. My kit has been in moving jail for some time. It appears that the state will release it soon due to good behavior. We actually have been renting a house here in California while our new home is being built. (The gear has been in their boxes sitting in one of the rooms for all these months.)
The other day I was able to get into the house to install the tubes that will carry the A5 to the DBLS. It was a great time to finally begin the process. I have attached a picture.It took about 7 hours to get it all in place.This included time to anchor and to check for potential rattles.
The tubes are made of heavy plastic that was,to my delight,very flexable.
The only downside was that the builder had to be paid to have one of his subs in to help
I need to thank Chris Koster for making the trip out here. Chris was instramental in making sure the design and the install was completed. He took the time to work face to face with my builder to insure the final product was perfect in every degree.
It will be fun to see the neighbors reactions when they see the G17 go up.
Regards to all,
Marc newman
Marc Newman
Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Alco
Hi Marc
Man,that must me very hard,to have your kit in isolation for so many months.. phew!
I guess I couldn't live wihout it for more then 1 month.
but, ehh.....where's the picture ?
Good luck with your new house.
Greetings from Holland,
Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Rico
Good luck, Marc - keep us posted on your progress!
'love to see that picture!
Rico - all your base are belong to us.
Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Onthlam
I tried to send a picture that would be only 30k. I could not convert or resize without destroying the resolution. I would be happy to Email one to anyone who would like to see.I have attached a picture that might do for now.Or my Email is Onthlam@rcsis.com...........
Marc Newman
[This message was edited by Marc Newman on SATURDAY 07 July 2001 at 17:17.]
[This message was edited by Marc Newman on SATURDAY 07 July 2001 at 17:19.]
Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Steve Hall
Congrats and good luck with the rest of the install, hope your back in the land of the listening soon.
The picture raised a thought of a question I did wanna ask, running speaker cables under the floors has been spoken about many times, but......
Is it worth running them in metal/earthed tubing? Im about to get my friendly spark (everyone should have one) to move my mains and recable my NACA5 under the floor, but is it worth trunking them in metal to reduce the effect of any interference?
Posted on: 07 July 2001 by Onthlam
The tubes are running up a wall into the ceiling.The first choice was to put the runs through the floor. Due to large support beams that cannot be drilled into, this was the other option.This option did add about 5 foot to each run. In the end all runs were at about 40 foot apiece.
Today I went back to tie down and to place some fiberglass where there was a possibility of any future rattles due to the stretching or sagging of any truss or tube.The drywall goes up on Monday.
As far as metal goes,I can not give the specific reasons metals have a tendency to have whatever property that would degrade the sound. I do know that we did everything possible to keep electric as far away as we could.
Another good thing is that I was able to have a dedicated 40 amp spur to the room.
Marc Newman