Moving (to a new build) house

Posted by: Bosh on 28 May 2001

The roof trusses are up and the central heating pipes for the lounge radiators have just been installed where both possibilities for placing the Fully Naimed LP12/XX1 / CDS1/52/4pack soundstyle racks (2 of) with 2 audiotech shelves were to go (oh b*gg*r - thats not where they are on the architects plans!!)

The spark is coming in next week and is briefed on Naim's spec for the spur. Question is what to do.

Alternative options:-

1. Hang LP12/CDS audiotech shelves from stud wall (any advice bearing in mind last weeks forum horror story of John Clarks LP12 shelf depositing it on the floor )

2. Try the 4x135s, 2x supercaps, prefix hicap, naxo on a tripod in the room on the other side of the stud wall connected through a grommet (any experiences of this??)

3. Convince 'er indoors that Fraim tables (Bearing in mind 12 levels across 4 tables would take up the whole lounge and cost over £4k gbp) are more essential than carpet and floor coverings!!

4. Incur the wrath of the site foreman an insist the radiators must be moved

Any experiences would be appreciated

[This message was edited by Bosh on TUESDAY 29 May 2001 at 00:13.]

Posted on: 28 May 2001 by Scott Mckenzie
oh b*gg*r - thats not where they are on the architects plans!!)

If this is the case, then you complain, you bought the house on the grounds of the plans - as far as anyone need know!! So if something has changed without your consent, let them know you are not happy and make em move it....


Posted on: 28 May 2001 by Steve Toy
Four-inch coach bolts not simple plastic rawl plugs for the wall shelves. Been there, done that, wearing the T shirt in terms of scratches to the right speaker cabinet. Not to mention having to virtually rebuild the turntable.... frown
Posted on: 29 May 2001 by Sproggle
Make them do it properly. After all, they're not building your house as a favour to you.

And if they can get something like radiator location wrong then who knows what else they might do unless you make it clear, by insisting on the changes, that you want the plans followed exactly.


Posted on: 29 May 2001 by Mick P

I was speaking to a building foreman friend of mine this morning whilst walking the dog and mentioned your case.

He said the site foreman will not bat an eyelid if you ask him to move the radiator, its all part of the job. He will bollock the plumber and hold on to his money until you ok everything.

So get on the phone my son and get it moved.

