electrical advice please...
Posted by: Steve Shochet on 28 January 2001
With all the talk of new spurs and mains, I wonder if someone can help sort out if I would benefit from these things. I live in a condo with my own circuit-breaker box. My system is plugged into the living room circuit, and the only other things attached to it are the living room lights and my TV, which is plugged into an outlet that can be switched off by a light switch. If I flip off the living room lights, and flip off the outlet that houses the TV, am I getting electricity equivalant to that of a new spur etc? (It seems to sound better when I do that, but I wonder if it is only the effect of dark room and no CNN distractions...)
Thanks! Steve
Posted on: 28 January 2001 by bam
"Wisdom consists of knowing when to avoid perfection."
Posted on: 29 January 2001 by Arye_Gur
This sentence has no link to TV.
At my office people are asking on morning - "did you see the new beautiful young secratery ? "
Posted on: 29 January 2001 by Martin M
Johnathon, I would bin the television if it weren't for
1) Father Ted
2) Chris Morris - The Day Today and Brasseye
3) BBC Documentaries
4) Matt Groening - The Simpsons and Futurama
5) Alfred Hitchcock films
Its a slender thread! I could write a list as long as my arm to keep the music...
PS This has nothing to do electricity qulaity, I know...Sorry.
Posted on: 29 January 2001 by Martin M
Yes, Jaaaam is fabulous. The CD is uniquely disturbing. You should buy it, it will allay your telly withdrawal symptoms.
Yes you are right, I forgot South Park and Frasier too. I'm struggling past that.
Nothing to do with electricty again. I really am sorry...
Posted on: 29 January 2001 by Martin M
I thought I'd shut up about TV. Anyway try this. In my system the 52 resides at top of the stack (so I can praise it like I should, to quote Fat Boy Slim and also adjust the volume without scrabbling around on the floor - but I digress). When listening to CDs the temptation is put the empty cases on top of the 52. I swear that this makes the sound got a little opaque and lacking swing. Take the cases off and put them on the floor in a nice little pile and waa-hey, off we go again. OK , maybe it's my mind playing tricks with me (to quote Scarface the rapper not the Al Pacino character), but it works every time for me.