CDX -v- Karik
Posted by: quincy on 09 October 2001
Forgive me if I have touched on a thread that has been discussed before in the forum but recently I had my dealer deliver a Numerik to hook up to the Karik. I was not favorably disposed to the sound emanating from the Tukans ... in short, I much preferred the Karik on its own. But I am digressing.
A buddy of mine from Estes Park, Colorado last month took delivery of a CDX and at the weekend we met for our monthly listening session.
Dave's system ( CDX, monoblock 110s,102, Hicap, Epos 14s ) performed admirably until we held Diana Krall down with the puck.
On her latest offering THE LOOK OF LOVE - which incidentally is worth buying for the photos in the liner notes - track 4 BESAME MUCHO sounded like a heap of prairie dog's crap( overblown and processed bass) but sweet and sensuous when the Karik took over.
Can any of you guys shed some light on what's going on here?
[This message was edited by quincy on TUESDAY 09 October 2001 at 21:18.]